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help needed asap

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  • help needed asap

    hi im new to the site and looking for some advice please

    i have a loan with amigo loans i missed a few payments for one reason or other and got issued with a court claim iv managed to stop this from proceeding as iv set up a repayment plan with them but they will not back down on taking my guarantor to court, can they do this even though iv started to repay them, my guarantor sent her forms back to the court with a defence in place they day before an agreement was reached, originally they would not budge from a £1000pm repayment but within a day they settled to my repayment of £200 pm really im just asking why they are pursuing a ccj from her and not myself as i thought this would be settled now amigo arnt being open with me about the situation.

    thank you
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  • #2
    Re: help needed asap

    I need help too. Amigo Loans keep sending letter to someone who previously lived at my address and will not stop sending to my address. How do I stop them?


    • #3
      Re: help needed asap

      Originally posted by reddawn View Post
      I need help too. Amigo Loans keep sending letter to someone who previously lived at my address and will not stop sending to my address. How do I stop them?

      Simplest way is to write them a Formal Complaint find out who the boss is and address to him/her.

      It would be wise to check your credit reference file to see if the debtor is still linked to your address.



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