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Overpayment of pension

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  • Overpayment of pension

    My mother died November 2013. She used to get a pension from Malta and they say that she was overpaid by £199 and I have to pay it back. The little money that she left went towards her funeral and other payments and there is nothing left, in fact I am out of pocket. Malta High Commission have inundated me with emails and letters demanding payment, and I have found this very tough as mum died suddenly and I am finding it difficult to come to terms with her death. I have explained all this to them but they say it's not their problem and I am liable for the debt. Is this true as I am beside myself with worry as I don't have the money to pay them.
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  • #2
    Re: Overpayment of pension

    No you are not responsible for her debts.......
    In the UK the estate of the deceased is liable for any debts outstanding at the time of her death, and there is a strict order in which the debts are to be paid off.
    Whoever acts as executor should deal with her debts.
    Funeral costs take priority when it comes to distributing assets.
    The tax-man/government agencies get second choice.
    And so on it goes until nothing is left.
    After which time creditors will have to write off the debt.
    Write another letter to the Maltese High Commissioner, stating that you are not going to pay them any money, until and unless they can show proof that you are responsible for your mothers debt.
    Ignore any demands from them for money.
    As I stated, in the UK, the estate is responsible for the debt.
    Unless you were part of the debt in the first place.
    “The only man who sticks closer to you in adversity more than a friend, is a creditor.”


    • #3
      Re: Overpayment of pension

      Thank you so much. I have explained over and over to them that mum left £1000 in her bank account and her funeral was over £3000, so I had to pay the excess, but they say that they are not interested in how much the funeral cost - they want their money. I have been so upset by their constant written demands whilst trying to grieve for mum. I shall write to them again as per your suggestion. Thanks again.


      • #4
        Re: Overpayment of pension

        Originally posted by emw View Post
        Thank you so much. I have explained over and over to them that mum left £1000 in her bank account and her funeral was over £3000, so I had to pay the excess, but they say that they are not interested in how much the funeral cost - they want their money. I have been so upset by their constant written demands whilst trying to grieve for mum. I shall write to them again as per your suggestion. Thanks again.
        Just let them waste their money on postage and administration fees.
        Find yourself a nice little cardboard box and put all the letters in there......
        On 5th November, have a bonfire with them.....
        If your late mother's estate has no assets left, then the Maltese High Commissioner, can go whistle for the money.
        They are just hoping you will give in to their demands.
        At least it's not constant phone calls........
        It really is that simple.
        In fact I wouldn't even bother writing any more letters.
        The debt is no more............
        Just get on with your life, and good luck.:tinysmile_twink_t2:
        “The only man who sticks closer to you in adversity more than a friend, is a creditor.”


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