Hi I'm new and like most people who deal with n power at my wits end. Briefly, new meter 2009. First quarter usage, normal, 1229 kWh. The next couple of years ok bit erratic but average.
Someone was moving in next door and Scottish power inadvertently took our supply. Letter received from n power saying sorry your leaving us July 2011. Immediately I rang to say this is a mistake. N power sent a letter saying having trouble closing account so rang again. Said they had closed account so needed to open new one. Read meter 25th August 2011 03759 Actual by DC no one read our meter. I had no contact from Scottish power then or since. Now n power say that Scottish power gave them a closing read of 39431 apparently taken on 25th August which did not line up with our previous reads so n power took it upon themselves to align my bill with the longer digits rather than investigate. I have their memos under an SAR.
I received a bill for over 2000 in April 2012 as they said that my meter is a six digit meter and the have been billing me on a four digit! They estimated that I would use 233,000 units in the next 12 months at a cost of £27,000 ? On one bill it states I used over 7000 units in 14 days.
I went to ombudsman who upheld their argument going on the erroneous read of 39431. I have read quite a few articles on how they have done this to other people. I am going to the mattresses!,,,, Anyone got any views on this.?
Someone was moving in next door and Scottish power inadvertently took our supply. Letter received from n power saying sorry your leaving us July 2011. Immediately I rang to say this is a mistake. N power sent a letter saying having trouble closing account so rang again. Said they had closed account so needed to open new one. Read meter 25th August 2011 03759 Actual by DC no one read our meter. I had no contact from Scottish power then or since. Now n power say that Scottish power gave them a closing read of 39431 apparently taken on 25th August which did not line up with our previous reads so n power took it upon themselves to align my bill with the longer digits rather than investigate. I have their memos under an SAR.
I received a bill for over 2000 in April 2012 as they said that my meter is a six digit meter and the have been billing me on a four digit! They estimated that I would use 233,000 units in the next 12 months at a cost of £27,000 ? On one bill it states I used over 7000 units in 14 days.
I went to ombudsman who upheld their argument going on the erroneous read of 39431. I have read quite a few articles on how they have done this to other people. I am going to the mattresses!,,,, Anyone got any views on this.?