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Delayed flight compensation.

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  • Delayed flight compensation.

    Hello everyone, I am very new to forum. Hopefully, i will be able to post on relevant thread. Please correct me if i make any errors.

    My thread is about delayed flight compensation.

    Is there anyone out there that can help me?

    Thank you
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  • #2
    Re: Delayed flight compensation.

    Take a look here. Maybe something useful:

    They were out to get me!! But now it's too late!!


    • #3
      Re: Delayed flight compensation.

      Just a quick tip, I think this site could be really useful (EDIT] for delayed flights or cancellations, also they took only 15% commission, far less than the other `no win, no fee` companies.
      Last edited by Amethyst; 17th June 2014, 12:08:PM. Reason: removed spam link


      • #4
        Re: Delayed flight compensation.

        Originally posted by MarcKc View Post
        Just a quick tip, I think this site could be really useful (EDIT] for delayed flights or cancellations, also they took only 15% commission, far less than the other `no win, no fee` companies.
        Could you give me more info? i, am so hopeless at forums. really need some advice, 6.50 hours delay with T.C.

        Not getting any joy with them. Thank you.


        • #5
          Re: Delayed flight compensation.

          So you were delayed for 6.5 hours on a flight with Thomas Cook ?

          Was this for a package holiday?

          When did it happen ?

          What was the given reason for the delay ?

          Did you continue with the holiday or cancel ?

          Have you already spoken with Thomas Cook ? If not that is your first port of call - Please call their Customer Relations Team on 0844 412 5954 who will discuss your complaint and try to resolve it over the phone.

          For the avoidance of doubt we will not carry link to claims management companies.

          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


          • #6
            Re: Delayed flight compensation.

            Apart from the thread mentioned by basa48 above, there is a load of very useful information on Martin Lewis' Money Saving Expert website - this will give you an idea of just how big the whole issue has been, and includes guidance on what to do.


            • #7
              Re: Delayed flight compensation.

              I have tried about everything, but to no avail. im hopeless at forums. Thank you for everything, im close to giving up, because i am so useless at this. Thank you once again. cupful.


              • #8
                Re: Delayed flight compensation.

                I sent you a P.M


                • #9
                  Re: Delayed flight compensation.

                  i have tried martin lewis.


                  • #10
                    Re: Delayed flight compensation.

                    Use the Flight Delay Forum on Moneysaving expert for letter templates and all sorts of advice, and don't give up!


                    • #11
                      Re: Delayed flight compensation.

                      Jet2 Appeal to Supreme Court

                      Jet2 submitted their appeal to the Supreme Court (for permission to appeal the Court of Appeal decision on 11.06.14 in respect of Huzar-v-Jet2.com) yesterday 08.07.14 - the good money is on a response from the SC in October 2014.
                      More delay thanks to Jet2, despite the fact that some airlines are now paying out on the back of the CoA judgement!


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