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Welcome Finance

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  • Welcome Finance

    HI, this is my first time on this forum and was hoping to get some advise.

    We had a secured loan with Welcome Finance which due to us selling our property have now paid in full. The other day we received a letter advising that we would need to pay Irwin Mitchell Solicitors £174.00 to remove the charge from the property that we have sold. We have looked at our agreement and nowhere on this does it state that this would be necessary or in fact that we would receive this bill.

    As our solicitor has already paid for the discharge of Welcome Finance from the property we have sold, can you please advise on whether we should be paying this or not.

    totally confused!!!

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  • #2
    Re: Welcome Finance

    Hi & welcome.

    You'd be better off posting a thread in this forum http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...inance-Cattles


    • #3
      Re: Welcome Finance

      Hi Denise

      They have a statutory duty to remove the charge once the mortgage is redeemed, the registry do not charge anything for this, you have no contractual duty so I would insist the remove it.

      There are actions you can take yourself to facilitate this.



      • #4
        Re: Welcome Finance

        Thanks Andy58 for getting back to me. I will give it a try and hope for the best


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