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  • ThinkOutsideTheBox

    Evening All,

    I Kinda jumped straight in, both feet first, and never got around to introducing myself - so thought I'd say a quick 'hi'.

    I'm a paralegal consultant mostly dealing with small business issues, however consumer law holds particular interest for me, particularly when the public are getting a raw deal - so I'm keen to help in any way I can.

    Naturally I won't offer "Legal Advice" on here, as it's unlikely I'd be in a position to do so based on the limited information available, however I'm happy to put forward information and also offer my opinion where it may be of value. If there are times where a more formal approach is necessary, and I'm able to assist on a Pro Bono basis, or in some other circumstance where there would be no cost to the client then I will of course do so.

    When I'm not buried under a mountain of contracts or standing up for the rights of my fellow consumers, I'm a bit of a techy geek and love nothing more than messing around with the latest useless technology. Also something of a real ale aficionado...and I've got the beard to go with it to! :tung:

    Anyway, that's me in a nutshell.

    I am a Paralegal Consultant.

    This means I am not a Solicitor/Barrister/Advocate. I work in Legal Services, however I cannot offer services which are defined as "Reserved Legal Activities" under the Legal Services Act 2007.

    Anything posted here should be taken as opinion or general information, not legal advice. It is not possible for me to offer legal advice based on the limited details which can be posted on an open forum. Where possible, I will offer guidance and relevant information, but neither myself nor my practice can be held liable for events resulting from actions taken based on information or opinion shared here.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

    Welcome to the forum

    Feet first indeed, you might have spotted I did amend a couple of your earliest posts re PM's, but you seemed to pick up on it quickly and seem to get the way the forum works, and be passionate in the right areas, and we appreciate your help. I've had a bit of a nosey (as expected I'm sure) and yes I'll trail you about till we get to know you more, (goodness I sound like a stalker) but WELCOME !!!!

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • #3
      Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

      Thanks for the welcome Amethyst.

      I'm sure I'll soon get into the swing of things here...it's definitely much better to keep things in the open as much as possible. Not just because of the obvious lack of transparency when discussions take place behind closed doors which could easily lead to issues, but also because others can't benefit from information which they can't read!

      As well as hopefully being able to help a few people, this site really is a veritable goldmine of information, and such a fantastic resource that I'm sure I'll pick up a few tricks along the way too.
      I am a Paralegal Consultant.

      This means I am not a Solicitor/Barrister/Advocate. I work in Legal Services, however I cannot offer services which are defined as "Reserved Legal Activities" under the Legal Services Act 2007.

      Anything posted here should be taken as opinion or general information, not legal advice. It is not possible for me to offer legal advice based on the limited details which can be posted on an open forum. Where possible, I will offer guidance and relevant information, but neither myself nor my practice can be held liable for events resulting from actions taken based on information or opinion shared here.


      • #4
        Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

        Originally posted by ThinkOutsideTheBox View Post
        I'm sure I'll soon get into the swing of things here...it's definitely much better to keep things in the open as much as possible. Not just because of the obvious lack of transparency when discussions take place behind closed doors which could easily lead to issues, but also because others can't benefit from information which they can't read!

        Although there are some scenarios where the provision of advice/information demands a more discrete environment, for example where Beagles have involved a regulatory authority in an issue where Chatham House type rules apply and where litigation strategies are in the process of formulation in live cases.

        These are usually moved to the VIP area which although restricted is still subject to a degree of peer review and transparency.

        Welcome on board.


        • #5
          Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

          Originally posted by ThinkOutsideTheBox View Post
          Evening All,

          I Kinda jumped straight in, both feet first, and never got around to introducing myself - so thought I'd say a quick 'hi'.

          I'm a paralegal consultant mostly dealing with small business issues, however consumer law holds particular interest for me, particularly when the public are getting a raw deal - so I'm keen to help in any way I can.

          Naturally I won't offer "Legal Advice" on here, as it's unlikely I'd be in a position to do so based on the limited information available, however I'm happy to put forward information and also offer my opinion where it may be of value. If there are times where a more formal approach is necessary, and I'm able to assist on a Pro Bono basis, or in some other circumstance where there would be no cost to the client then I will of course do so.

          When I'm not buried under a mountain of contracts or standing up for the rights of my fellow consumers, I'm a bit of a techy geek and love nothing more than messing around with the latest useless technology. Also something of a real ale aficionado...and I've got the beard to go with it to! :tung:

          Anyway, that's me in a nutshell.


          Just to add my welcome also.

          Not being legally qualified myself, I do wonder what exactly many of the title given to various members of the profession mean, I wonder if you could help clarify since you have included the qualification in your signature.

          For instance "paralegal consultant" does this mean that you are a paralegal(which I take to mean have no formal qualification) who seeks to advise the general public, or does it mean that you have no legal qualification but seek to advise members of the legal profession ?

          You also mention "your practice" do I take it that you represent your company on here, and are in fact open to taking briefs from members.

          It would be good if this is the case to have more details of your business so that members can compere the quality of your service with other commercial practices available. Perhaps a link to your web page ?


          • #6
            Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

            Apologies Andy, I'd missed your post. It's been a hectic few weeks, so I haven't been around on here - but didn't want you to think I was ignoring you or avoiding your questions.

            Quite simply, there are no qualification requirements to call yourself a Paralegal - but this doesn't mean that all Paralegals are unqualified.

            As for myself, I am a Graduate and my degree focuses quite heavily on Law, however it isn't a Qualifying Law Degree. I'm also a member of a small handful of professional bodies, which whilst not "regulatory" in nature, do provide framework and codes of conduct, along with official channels for complaint should the need (hopefully not!) arise.

            Moving forward, I'm currently considering my options in terms of continued training, with the possibility of taking time out to study full time for a while and develop my knowledge in specialised areas.

            I seek to advise members of the public, whether consumers or small businesses. Can't say I'd fancy offering advice to a member of the legal profession who is probably far more qualified and experienced that I am!

            Whilst I'm open to taking instructions from members on here, that's not really why I'm here. More so that I can offer the benefit of my knowledge and experience, and hopefully help members out, without the need for money to change hands. Of course if a member was to approach me and ask to instruct me on a commercial basis, I'd be happy to help if I'm able to (with permission from the sites owners, of course).

            I do have a website, however not sure whether it would be appropriate for me to advertise on here when I am not seeking business here, and not paying for any kind of advertising/promotion?

            Hope this helps a bit.

            I am a Paralegal Consultant.

            This means I am not a Solicitor/Barrister/Advocate. I work in Legal Services, however I cannot offer services which are defined as "Reserved Legal Activities" under the Legal Services Act 2007.

            Anything posted here should be taken as opinion or general information, not legal advice. It is not possible for me to offer legal advice based on the limited details which can be posted on an open forum. Where possible, I will offer guidance and relevant information, but neither myself nor my practice can be held liable for events resulting from actions taken based on information or opinion shared here.


            • #7
              Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

              Yes thanks, still a bit hazy on why you should think you have any special qualification to advise over and above any other member.
              Not that your input and opinion is not welcome of course as is that of all members.


              • #8
                Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                I don't think I am in a better place to advise here than any other member - in actual fact, I've learned a lot on here myself from other members and I hope to continue to do so.

                Just felt it best to be "up-front" about who I am and what I do from the start. I'm not here touting for business, and would rather help guide and advise people as part of the wider forum community than try to make money out of members on here. But don't want to hide the fact that I do make a living out of such services away from the forum, as would hate to come across as dishonest.
                I am a Paralegal Consultant.

                This means I am not a Solicitor/Barrister/Advocate. I work in Legal Services, however I cannot offer services which are defined as "Reserved Legal Activities" under the Legal Services Act 2007.

                Anything posted here should be taken as opinion or general information, not legal advice. It is not possible for me to offer legal advice based on the limited details which can be posted on an open forum. Where possible, I will offer guidance and relevant information, but neither myself nor my practice can be held liable for events resulting from actions taken based on information or opinion shared here.


                • #9
                  Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                  Basically Andy, and am assuming this based on the info provided. Marc is a graduate of a qualification that was for a course that involved heavy focus on law, but such qualification is not the type needed to be a qualified solicitor, lawyer, barrister etc. But enough for him to work for a law firm and help in research on behalf of his firms solicitors, lawyers etc.

                  But he is not in a position to formally give any form of, even basic, legal advice to consumers of legal advice. Hence why he is not willing to give formal advice, unless someone comes to him seeking it in a commercial manner, i.e. signs up to having his firm represent them for example. Though off course this is a forum, so any advice given is informally given.

                  That's the jest of how i understand what Marc is saying.
                  Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                  By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

                  If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.

                  I AM SO GOING TO GET BANNED BY CEL FOR POSTING terrible humour POSTS.

                  The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


                  • #10
                    Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                    Originally posted by teaboy2 View Post
                    Basically Andy, and am assuming this based on the info provided. Marc is a graduate of a qualification that was for a course that involved heavy focus on law, but such qualification is not the type needed to be a qualified solicitor, lawyer, barrister etc. But enough for him to work for a law firm and help in research on behalf of his firms solicitors, lawyers etc.

                    But he is not in a position to formally give any form of, even basic, legal advice to consumers of legal advice. Hence why he is not willing to give formal advice, unless someone comes to him seeking it in a commercial manner, i.e. signs up to having his firm represent them for example. Though off course this is a forum, so any advice given is informally given.

                    That's the jest of how i understand what Marc is saying.
                    I just wonder what the purpose of even mentioning it is, I understand if it just "in passing" but why in the signature.

                    After all we can all be what we like on here can't we, personally, I am the duke of Normandy in my spare time.

                    Let us not forget Eloise.


                    • #11
                      Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                      True, but it think its more to do with being open and honest, regarding the signature. Though i see how people may mistaken a paralegal as being along the same lines as being a lawyer, solicitor. So maybe editing the signature making clear the difference between the two would be advisable - Such as including the following (A Paralegal Consultant is not a solicitor, lawyer, etc. But a person who does research on behalf of, and advises, such legal professions only. Either freelance, or as an employee of a law firm)

                      And as for Elouise, yeah i remember her well too, just not very fondly. Though i do sometimes wonder how her imaginary barristers office at her desk in leeds council administration department is doing lol
                      Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                      By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

                      If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.

                      I AM SO GOING TO GET BANNED BY CEL FOR POSTING terrible humour POSTS.

                      The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


                      • #12
                        Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                        Blimey, seems I'm a popular topic of conversation this morning.

                        You're absolutely spot on, it is just about being open and honest. I feel it best to declare that I do have a vested commercial interest in legal services, even though I make it very clear that I'm not here looking for business.

                        It's also always worth being clear that I do offer advice commercially, but that any opinion posted here doesn't constitute advice, as there are procedures/frameworks set down by the professional bodies to which I belong which govern how advice should be provided etc.

                        I spoke to Julian (Tools) last night, and provided various information to verify my credentials and business details, so I'll ask whether he would mind posting here just to confirm that.

                        And you are of course right that the term Paralegal can be somewhat confusing and misleading, so I've updated my signature to make it clear what I am and what I do not pretend to be. :tinysmile_twink_t2:
                        I am a Paralegal Consultant.

                        This means I am not a Solicitor/Barrister/Advocate. I work in Legal Services, however I cannot offer services which are defined as "Reserved Legal Activities" under the Legal Services Act 2007.

                        Anything posted here should be taken as opinion or general information, not legal advice. It is not possible for me to offer legal advice based on the limited details which can be posted on an open forum. Where possible, I will offer guidance and relevant information, but neither myself nor my practice can be held liable for events resulting from actions taken based on information or opinion shared here.


                        • #13
                          Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                          Originally posted by teaboy2 View Post
                          True, but it think its more to do with being open and honest, regarding the signature. Though i see how people may mistaken a paralegal as being along the same lines as being a lawyer, solicitor. So maybe editing the signature making clear the difference between the two would be advisable - Such as including the following (A Paralegal Consultant is not a solicitor, lawyer, etc. But a person who does research on behalf of, and advises, such legal professions only. Either freelance, or as an employee of a law firm)

                          And as for Elouise, yeah i remember her well too, just not very fondly. Though i do sometimes wonder how her imaginary barristers office at her desk in leeds council administration department is doing lol
                          Personally, I do not like such unsupported declarations of qualification on these forums, unless they are supported by evidence, and fully indemnified.

                          The quality of advice given will be apparent in time as the persons reputation develops, that way no one is deceived , either by design or just wishful thinking.


                          • #14
                            Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                            If Marc has spoken to Jool's and provided proof of his credentials then it's ok with me.
                            Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                            By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

                            If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.

                            I AM SO GOING TO GET BANNED BY CEL FOR POSTING terrible humour POSTS.

                            The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


                            • #15
                              Re: ThinkOutsideTheBox

                              I can confirm that I have discussed this with Marc, confirmed some details and the team are happy for him to assist openly on the forum.

                              As Marc has stated, all advice will be given on a thread and not by private message. There is no intention to "tout" for business, only a willingness to assist on threads. Paralegal services cover a wide range of areas and many can be carried out legitimately without legal qualification, those services are not being offered or promoted by Marc here.

                              I hope everyone can use this opportunity to debate opinions sensibly and without personal insult as we have seen historically on the forum, we are all here to help, learn and broaden our knowledge in different areas of consumer issues.
                              Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.

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