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Hello from a seriously annoyed former HSBC account holder!

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  • Hello from a seriously annoyed former HSBC account holder!


    I have had an ongoing issue with HSBC since 2010 (after I fell into some financial difficultly) who eventually closed my account down and sent various internal and external debt collectors to harass me over the phones and with endless letters.

    The thing that annoys me the most is that this would have been avoidable if HSBC worked with me. Instead, they opted to charge me to the point where my overdraft was double the authorised amount making my bank account unusable and preventing me from paying my monthly fees as normal. The money I set aside to pay my monthly credit card and loan payment was taken to cover charges which would bounce my payments and incur new charges, trapping me in an increasing spiral. Am I correct in thinking that it is illegal for banks to to this..?

    After about 6 months I stopped this cycle by refusing to pay anything further which is when they started with their debt collection harassment process. They trip you up, pull you further into debt to the point where you cannot do anything because it is more profitable for them to do so.

    Since getting a SAR on all of my accounts with HSBC and finding out that about £3.5k of a £5k was actually compounded PPI, I have disputed my credit card amount as well as the charges on my current account that they were perfectly willing to add before closing my account. Never mind that fact that, at their suggestion, a re-financing would have saved me £250 a month and prevented this from escalation in the first place..

    I have successfully managed to dispute each claim that HSBC, their internal debt chasers and external debt idiots have tried to lay claim to but they have since apparently sold my personal overdraft and credit card to MKDP LLP just before Christmas who have now lodged a claim with Northampton County Court for the full amount..

    The first letter I received was from MKDP LLP stating that they had 'bought the interest in the above referenced account, including the outstanding balance.' They claim to be the legal owner of the debt due under this account.

    The same envelope also contained a letter claiming to be from Gary Jones, Head of Recoveries, HSBC Bank plc confirming that the above account has been sold by HSBC to MKDP LLP in late November. It is very clear and obvious that this letter hasn't been written on an official HSBC letterhead, more a badly produced home computer production printed out on a laser printer with a copy/pasted signature at the bottom. It did not come from HSBC. Is this normal practice for this industry?

    Due to being busy with more important things going on in my life, I have ignored their threats and constant phones calls for the past 3 months but this legal action means I now have to waste my time dealing with something that has been in dispute for a number of years.. I don't quite understand how these people can think they have a legal claim when HSBC and their debt management idiots failed to get anything out of me due to the fact that this was in dispute..

    Now from what I have read here, I need to acknowledge the claim with the Court online within the 14 days and then send off the 'prove it' letter to these MKDP idiots? I intend to get an extension and dispute the jurisdiction..

    I intend to dispute their claim once and for all, I have no intention of paying them a penny and will make them liable for outstanding PPI plus harassment damages if I can..

    This is a long introduction!!

    I look forward to interacting here and fighting these morally corrupt banks. They forget that without customers, they would be nothing..

    Tags: hsbc, mkdp

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