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Hello, directed here from MSE and problem with Link & Pre98 Student Loans

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  • Hello, directed here from MSE and problem with Link & Pre98 Student Loans

    Hi, i do not know the protocol and have already posted request for help in the debt section and specifically DCA 's.

    Just want to say hello and ask if any of you guys would mind having a look at my thread and offering me some advice as i have reached a point where i don't know what to do next.

    In brief, pre98 Student loans which i must admit i did not think about for sometime as i was living andu working abroad. Alleged ccj obtained by SLC in 2002 and finally in 2006 SLC caught up with me threatening to shoot my dog etc unless i paid in full.

    Debt sold to link/thesis and have been paying £5 S.O. On a monthly basis since 06. Spoke with friend recently who said there was anomalies with my debt/alleged debt so SAR sent to SLC and CCA to Link. Not satisfied with links response and no CCJ detail with SLC. Get to Section 10 notice and have recently received Links Final Response which only answered some of my complaints but, ignored or gave incorrect details on other complaints.

    They have ignored my 'Misappropriation of payments' complaint and provided a CCJ reference that has been rejected by Northampton CCBC.

    So, more detail is in my only other thread and im at a loss as what i should do next having followed the template letters upto this point and i believe it becomes a legal matter from here? Therefore any advice and guidance will be greatly appreciated.


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  • #2
    Re: Hello, directed here from MSE and problem with Link & Pre98 Student Loans

    Hi Dan and welcome to the forum SLC threatened to shoot your dog ????? :doggieyes:

    For ref for others your main thread is here. http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...-Student-Loans.

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • #3
      Re: Hello, directed here from MSE and problem with Link & Pre98 Student Loans

      Seems they like threatening to shoot peoples dogs - and mothers ! (bit extreme for a debt) unless you're from Ireland and have a thread on CAG as WarrenBuffet with a section 10 notice and a 2002 CCJ - if it isn't you then it sounds quite parallell to your case except you have been making £5 a month payments. ( http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk...e-lead-me-here ) - Would you have a link to your MSE thread too btw - helps to see the background in case any points are missed.

      Actually reading that CAG thread through again if that statement about the threats (dog/mother/sister) is true then a complaint should be made.
      Last edited by Amethyst; 28th January 2014, 09:21:AM.

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • #4
        Re: Hello, directed here from MSE and problem with Link & Pre98 Student Loans

        Hi Amethyst,

        Crikey! it is a small world or might you really be Columbo ? LOL ... Indeed i am WB on CAG and on MSE im called ErnieBecclestone.

        I was advised by someone namely from the ICO that i should write back to Link one more time and explain what they have failed to respond to one more time. If i do this, do i give them a timetable for response? ie: 7 days, or do i just enter into a Mexican Stand Off and send them 'I do not recognise this now alleged debt'


        • #5
          Re: Hello, directed here from MSE and problem with Link & Pre98 Student Loans



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