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Hello from Dukey

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  • Hello from Dukey

    Hi Everyone Labman advised me to come here and as promised this will be removed to the right section. My partner has buried his head and we are now going to lose our house, we have to pay 119k back by 25/7/2013 or the bank is reposseing the house. Please can you help us?
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Hello from Dukey

    Hi Dukey

    A warm welcome to LB :beagle:

    Can you tell us a bit more please? How did these arrears occur? Who is the lender?

    We'll try and help as best we can.
    "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

    I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

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    If you wish to book an appointment with me to discuss your credit agreement, please email kate@legalbeaglesgroup. com


    • #3
      Re: Hello from Dukey

      Welcome Dukey - I'm glad you got there in the end!

      I'm sure you'll get as much help as possible here, but if you can post a full, complete, open and honest account of things it would be really helpful. The more we know, the more we can help. Nobody will judge you on here, whatever the situation, so don't be afraid to post totally openly.


      • #4
        Re: Hello from Dukey

        Sorry, Principality My parnter could not afford to pay every month so the charges were going up, and he hid it from me until a week ago. Now we have to pay 119k back by 25TH


        • #5
          Re: Hello from Dukey

          well i appreciate all your help. Last chance so may as well try your way tyvm again x


          • #6
            Re: Hello from Dukey

            So in summary, your partner buried his head in the sand - the mortgage is in his sole name. You knew nothing about there being any problem until recently. Mortgage rescue, I believe, is not an option. £119000 to be repaid to the Principality by Thursday, or you are evicted on that day and you have nowhere to go and live.

            Is it likely your partner would open up as to what has happened to get to this point, as there would have been several opportunities to try to sort things out, or not? If not, do you have access (and permission) to look at the letters and see if you can piece together the history?


            • #7
              Re: Hello from Dukey

              Hi and welcome.


              • #8
                Re: Hello from Dukey

                Yes exactly, i had no control over the bills i was not allowed to open any letters. But now he has told me and we will do what ever we can, to keep the house. And yes all bills are being released to me now this has happened. Tell me what you need and i will try and supply the the information you need.


                • #9
                  Re: Hello from Dukey

                  Brilliant - I'll shut up now as I know very little about housing. Hopefully the real housing expert may be around later on. :beagle:


                  • #10
                    Re: Hello from Dukey

                    Thank you Sapphy


                    • #11
                      Re: Hello from Dukey

                      no you have been a great help thank you


                      • #12
                        Re: Hello from Dukey

                        I've got to try to be - you know my wife! A woman scorned and all that ......... I know my place!


                        • #13
                          Re: Hello from Dukey

                          lol yes i do and yes no upsetting your wife


                          • #14
                            Re: Hello from Dukey

                            Originally posted by labman View Post
                            I've got to try to be - you know my wife! A woman scorned and all that ......... I know my place!
                            "Hell hath no fury like a woman's corns!"
                            CAVEAT LECTOR

                            This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                            You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                            Cohen, Herb

                            There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                            gets his brain a-going.
                            Phelps, C. C.

                            "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                            The last words of John Sedgwick


                            • #15
                              Re: Hello from Dukey

                              BUMP - Anyone please?


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