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Bank confusion

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  • Bank confusion

    Hello everyone, I came across this forum and I'm hoping that somebody may have something useful to tell me, it is a very long and boring story, so i've made bullet points in the hope it makes things simpler.

    - My husband after a couple of difficult years decided to wind up his limited company before any debts became unmanageable

    - Letter from bank dated 28th December requesting confirmation of intention to dissolve the company.

    - Replied 8th January confirming this and stating future intentions to continue as a sole trader and requested that overdraft arrangements continue, and if this was going to cause any issues to contact us.

    - Letter from bank received during January that overdraft arrangements had been put in place to continue for the next 12 months.

    - In January, our personal accounts are frozen, have requested information but no answers or resolutions have been provided. Despite phone calls and visit to branch.

    - Received letter in June to say that we would receive our monies from our personal accounts in July, but so far nothing has been received. Im guessing this money would amount to between £700 and £1000, but having only received one statement, cant say for certain.

    - Received letter in September demanding money to bring one personal account into credit.

    - Replied back to say to take money from another account and refund us the remaining money and close all accounts and if this wasnt possible let us know why. - No response.

    - Received letter in September stating they had incorrectly taken charges from an isa account and was refunding £134. !!!

    - In September lodged a complaint through their website, complaining about being denied information and confusion being caused by contradiction in communication. - No response.

    We arent sure whether this has been caused by the winding up of the company or not, maybe its normal banking procedures, has anyone ever come across anything similar.

    Any comments anyone !!!!
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Bank confusion

    Hi and welcome.

    Can you tell the forum which bank you are with? I had both buisiness and personal accounts with Nat West. When the buisiness borrowed our accounts were linked. Although they did not freeze my accounts, it did become a problem trying to get a cheque book or talk to anybody about my personal account as there was a marker on it reffering to the buisiness team.
    I am sure somebody will be along with some help soon....


    • #3
      Re: Bank confusion

      the bank is rbs.


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