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Hi & Work Worry

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  • Hi & Work Worry

    Hi All,

    Am new to this forum so just wanted to say Hi first of all, hope you are all well?

    I have a bit of a work worry at the moment & am looking for some advice, please.

    Bit of background - I'm 38 & have been working in the Financial Sector for many years now. I currently am employed by a very well known Agency. I applied for a job with a well known Fund Manager last November, directly with them & was offered the job. However, at this point, they sprung on me that although I'd be taking this job with the Fund Manager, my employer would actually be a well known temp agency as all their staff are recruited & handled via this agency. I don't like working for an Agency as you don't get all the benefits of working for the actual company etc but I digress.

    I started at the end of last year on a 6mnth contract. When this expired, they decided to extend my contract for another yr & give me a pay rise - I must be doing something right!

    I have been here now for coming up to 10mnths & the actual Fund Manager has now asked me to submit previous address & asnwer questions for a screening. Now, although the majority of these questions centered around fraud & bankruptcy, a couple of them did refer to CCJ's.

    I am the 1st to admit, I am terrible with my money. I'm just clueless & have got myself into trouble in the past - to make matters worse, I buried my head in the sand & left post unopened. As a result, I have several CCJ's over the years. The majority have been fully paid up within 6mnths of them being issued but there are 2 or 3 outstanding.

    I am now worried that they'll sack me for this! My argument is that I'm not handling anybody's money in my job, just dealing with general admin on UT's & OEIC's. My own dismal failure to handle my money properly has no impact on how I do my job at all. Do I have any 'come back' if they do want to fire me? After all, I've been here for 10mnths & have proven that I can do the job - so well in fact that they even extended my contract for another yr, why did it take them so long to perform these checks? Can I use this in my favour?

    If anyone can offer me any advice, I'd be so grateful as I'm starting to lose sleep over this. I'm desparately trying to get my life back in order again & this will set me right back - if I lose my job, I can't pay my rent & I end up on the streets!

    Thank you

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  • #2
    Re: Hi & Work Worry

    Hi Claire and Welcome to LegalBeagles,,I can't advise you myself but I'm sure one of the lovely people on this site will be along to help you soon



    • #3
      Re: Hi & Work Worry

      Hello Claire, I think I know just the person to help with this



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