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  • Llowells

    Hello everyone ,
    The reason joined is because of llowells
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Llowells

    Hello Kassy and welcome to Legal Beagles!

    your in the perfect place for help with llowells.
    Hang in there hun, the experts are coming



    • #3
      Re: Llowells

      Hi Kassy,

      Could you tell us what Lowells have been up to in your case, please? They are well-known on the LB forums.

      Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


      • #4
        Re: Llowells

        Originally posted by puffrose View Post
        Hello Kassy and welcome to Legal Beagles!

        your in the perfect place for help with llowells.
        Hang in there hun, the experts are coming

        Hi Puff,

        I've found Kassy's thread at http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...-from-llowells. Could you rally the troops, please? It sounds like Lowells are up to their old tricks.


        Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


        • #5
          Re: Llowells

          Started with letters from Red then llowells and finally Hamptons, , saying they own the debts of £ 7000 , this has now gone up to £ 9,000 because I need to pay there legal costs, I have no way of paying this and by the time ive paid my mortage and other bills im left with £34 I have made them aware of this but they are insisting on taking me to court, as I can't pay what they want monthly


          • #6
            Re: Llowells

            Originally posted by Kassy View Post
            Started with letters from Red then llowells and finally Hamptons, , saying they own the debts of £ 7000 , this has now gone up to £ 9,000 because I need to pay there legal costs, I have no way of paying this and by the time ive paid my mortage and other bills im left with £34 I have made them aware of this but they are insisting on taking me to court, as I can't pay what they want monthly
            They can't make you pay more than you can afford. Do you actually owe the sums they claim you owe? Do Lowells have a CCJ against you?
            Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


            • #7
              Re: Llowells

              Hi Kassy,

              I'm sorry to read about your situation. I haven't read your old thread, so apologies if this repeats anything. Have you been to see anyone who can do a Common Financial Statement for you?

              This is an officially accepted form of an Income / Expenditure, used by the courts when making judgments on debtors' repayment orders. If you haven't got one of these, tell us and we'll let you know where you can get one completed as a matter of urgency.

              Don't worry about the court, whatever Lowells etc... say. Your main focus MUST be on covering priority expenditure - mortgage/rent, council tak, gas, electric, secured loans, existing court fines,child support and HP agreements. Anything else can wait. Of those above it is not hard to prioritise. Water is NOT a priority debt anymore as you cannot be disconnected.

              Anything else gets a share of your disposable income whether it be £34 or £3400 on a pro rata basis. No judge will make you pay more than you can afford.

              Without knowing the details of your financial circumstances, it is hard to know whether there may be other avenues which better suit you. There are plenty of FREE debt advice places out there though who will help you - CAB, CCCS and Payplan are just three of many.

              Above all, don't worry - nobody can have what you haven't got to give.


              • #8
                Re: Llowells

                Originally posted by Kassy View Post
                Hello everyone ,
                The reason joined is because of llowells

                Are they Welsh?


                • #9
                  Re: Llowells

                  No they don't have a CCJ against me ,basically they want me to pay my whole wage every month.


                  • #10
                    Re: Llowells

                    Sorry it was a spelling mistake due to lack of sleep and being extremely worried about losing my home


                    • #11
                      Re: Llowells

                      Originally posted by Kassy View Post
                      No they don't have a CCJ against me ,basically they want me to pay my whole wage every month.
                      This needs to be reported to the OFT Credit Fitness Team without delay as well as Trading Standards. Lowells are seriously in breach of OFT Debt Collection Guidelines. In short, they are in breach of the terms of their OFT licence. I am attaching a document which takes you through reporting a bailiff company to OFT Credit Fitness Team, but the procedure for reporting a DCA is more or less the same. You will need to quote the following details in your complaint -

                      Company Name: Lowell Financial
                      CCA Licence No.: 0528607

                      I'm attaching the OFT Debt Collection Guidelines to this post as well. Please let us know how many breaches of the Guidelines you find on Lowell's part.
                      Attached Files
                      Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


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