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Hi to everyone

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  • Hi to everyone

    I would like to say Hi to everybody here and i look forward to speaking to you all..
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  • #2
    Re: Hi to everyone

    Hi! Have a look around and welcome!
    Never give up, Never surrender.


    • #3
      Re: Hi to everyone

      So this is my issue,

      Tesco privilege card!

      My mum was shopping with me present in the store, for some reason we got separated i went to look at something and so did she, unaware to myself she had gone to the checkouts and produced my discount card! She was quickly refused the use of the card after paying for the good she rang me from out the store (i was still in the store) and told me what had happened...this was the 15.8.12..

      after having 3 yes 3 investigation meeting into why she had my card i am now facing disciplinary action which they are considering gross-misconduct on my part, however the terms and conditions of the privilege card clearly state "anybody living at the address of the employee held on company record...

      This is the same as mine we live in the same house!!

      however this is where it get interesting after being notified of disciplinary proceedings by written letter we started a disciplinary meeting on the 13/9/12 (last Thursday) and it was put into the notes that were being taken the the (deputy store manager) could not make a decision on the matter and we should recomense the meeting on Tuesday 18/9/12 which has not happened even though the deputy is working nights..he has not informed me of any change in the situation and did not inform me anything about the meeting?

      would anyone know anything helpful for me to use should this situation come around in the next few days...

      Sorry about my spelling


      • #4
        Re: Hi to everyone

        hi there hope you are well


        • #5
          Re: Hi to everyone

          It sounds to me like Tesco are in breach of their own rules. If you are a member of a trade union, speak to your union rep.
          Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


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