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Hi Caz from Manchester here! Debts unlimited but TV Licensing most pressing.

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  • Hi Caz from Manchester here! Debts unlimited but TV Licensing most pressing.

    Hi all.

    Well this looks a nice, organised site.:tinysmile_grin_t:

    I found it by accident whilst looking for advice about my TV Licence problem. I have had my head in the sand regarding debts for the last year or so. This afternoon a man banged on the door (I pretended I wasn't in) and he shouted through the letterbox that he was from TV Licensing and that if I didn't deal with him here and now he would go and get a warrant.

    I have never been to court because of this matter or been fined - it is a matter of me being late paying it.

    I'm not bothered about me - but I have a son and a dog and what I want to know is - how long would it take to get a warrant and will I be put in a cell?

    Sorry for being so pathetic but I am desperate and I would be very grateful of any advice at all.

    I have contacted the CAB by phone as we only have a part-time CAB in the area 3 miles away.

    Thankyou for taking the time to read

    Yours sincerely

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  • #2
    Re: Hi Caz from Manchester here! Debts unlimited but TV Licensing most pressing.

    Hi and welcome to the site we have a few members from Manchester and surrounding areas so you should feel at home.

    How old is the debt ?


    • #3
      Re: Hi Caz from Manchester here! Debts unlimited but TV Licensing most pressing.

      Basically it is about 12 months since my last licence expired. As I say, I haven't received any letter asking me to attend court or anything - just the regular letters requesting that I pay for my new licence.


      • #4
        Re: Hi Caz from Manchester here! Debts unlimited but TV Licensing most pressing.

        Phone the licence people, explain your circumstances and ask for time to pay, I pay ours monthly, I think its about £12.75, then when its sorted and the guy calls again you can tell him to go forth and multiply.

        You say you have other debts, ok, no problem nothing is unsurmountable, basically all it takes is preparing an income and expenditure sheet and writing to your creditors, obviously you don't want to disclose figures here, so if you want, send me the details via PM and will help from there.


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