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  • Hello

    Hello every one.I have joined LegalBEAGLES as like many of people i have been in dept and had the letters and phone calls the same old stuff.So fingers crossed i might be able to assure you its not all gloom and doom.
    I have also worked as a bailiff and please belive me i was one of the good guys and for that reason i lost my job with the company just before December 2011.So on a bailiff matter i along with other members of this site might be able help you with what they can and carnt do..
    So to that end please feel free to ask and if i can help out i will..
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Hello

    Hi Kipling and welcome to Legal Beagles. I'm a retired police officer and had to deal with the more violent elements in the civil enforcement industry when I was on the force. Having been a bailiff, you have probably witnessed those whom I am talking about and know how certificated bailiffs mislead the police about their powers. Which bailiff company were you working for before you and they parted company?
    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


    • #3
      Re: Hello

      Originally posted by Kipling001 View Post
      Hello every one.I have joined LegalBEAGLES as like many of people i have been in dept and had the letters and phone calls the same old stuff.So fingers crossed i might be able to assure you its not all gloom and doom.
      I have also worked as a bailiff and please belive me i was one of the good guys and for that reason i lost my job with the company just before December 2011.So on a bailiff matter i along with other members of this site might be able help you with what they can and carnt do..
      So to that end please feel free to ask and if i can help out i will..
      I can only concur with what BB has said, why not mosey over to the Bailiff Forum and hope to see you there.


      • #4
        Re: Hello

        Hi Kipling and welcome.
        Informed input always welcome and I have always found you cakes exceedingly good.



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