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Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

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  • Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

    Hi everyone! I’m so glad these forums are still free to register as they do contain so much helpful information! My friend suggested your forums and I can understand now why he has.

    Unfortunately I have found my way here having had some problems as well. All started one Saturday after I have visited Barclays East Ham branch requesting my card to be replaced with a new one because of old one falling apart. After having spoken to customer adviser I was asked if I would be interested in credit card. I have explained that I would but have been declined a week ago. She promised to speak to bank manager before taking some numbers of the system.

    Having left the bank 10 minutes later I have withdrawn £50 from one of cash points as wanted to buy a gift for my niece and my sister was nagging me

    Four days later I have went to withdrawn some money only to find out that my bank account was quite short. Having returned home I checked digital bank and have noticed £600 withdrawal on the same Saturday I have visited Barclays! Quick phone call to their team have shed some more light into transaction: I was advised that transaction was carried out in the same Barclays branch by swiping my card and withdrawing the money over the window. Advisor was clueless why such a transaction was not carried out by using chip & pin.

    I was obviously sent out few forms to fill out and have also reported the matter to the police. After waiting for a week and getting no response (was promised to be contacted few days later) I have sent a letter to Barclays bank requesting an update to the situation as to be honest was running on empties….Still haven’t received any response for further few weeks and only few phone calls ended up in Barclays sending me a request to provide a copy of my current passport.

    Few weeks passed again when I have received a letter from their fraud team. Apparently they have watched CCTV and confirmed that in the given morning I was in the branch and therefore they do not count the transaction as fraudulent! They have also confirmed that they do not acknowledge that it was me who has withdrawn the money but the transaction happened similar time and therefore they will not return any money.

    The same week I went to same branch asking to speak to branch manager. As it was Saturday it was only managers assistant who has seen me. I was given a piece of paper to write the letter to their frauds department asking to relook at the situation. I have informed them I have raised the issue with the police that bank has taken the money off me, that I am prepared to take this situation further as clearly Barclays have not honoured the contract and allowed shady transaction to go ahead. For me to be honest at this time blame was that customer assistant who took my account or card numbers promising to speak to branch manager. I have also written that this prolonged saga has an impact on me as I am feeling robbed off £600 and Barclays are not looking at me as a victim but as a fraudster.

    Unfortunately this has not done any impact as their letter claims that at the time of transaction I was at the counter and it was not possible for anyone else to have made the transaction I was disputing!!!

    I am so annoyed and angry at the given moment that to be honest I am ready just to smash the same branch!!! but coming into reality I am bit concerned now what further steps should I take?

    I was thinking maybe request the CCTV footage by data protection act. Also to request them to provide times when request to change my card was made, what time transaction was completed and what time my £50 withdrawal from the cash machine was made. Having had these answers maybe some timings will not add up and this can be proven? Or should I take this with some legal firm and take it further? I’m not sure if Ombudsman or financial authority will look into the case in a short period of time.

    Any ideas would be mostly welcome.

    Thank you once again and keep up a good work everyone you are doing in these forums – there are loads of people who appreciate your assistance.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

    Hiya Andy and welcome to LB,

    You have had a tough time of it havent you? Have you heard anything from the Police yet? We have a retired police officer on these forums, and I'm sure this will be the perfect thing for him to sink his teeth in to, and he will be able to advise you of rough timelines.
    I'll pm him directly.



    • #3
      Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

      Thank you puffrose! I haven't heard anything from police regarding changes in the matter. Would be interesting to find out officers opinion in the matter. I am furious with the Barclays stance of ''you were in the bank so it must be you who took the money'' - would I really go through all the hassle of reporting this to police twice, going to bank numerous times to speak to the manager and spending time chasing it up? If so, I must be one hell of a brave fraudster


      • #4
        Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

        Andy, if the card was not swiped then you should demand a copy of the signature on the withdrawal slip which if not there is not proof of the withdrawal.
        If they have viewed CCTV footage then they should see you take money from the counter and put it in your wallet/coat pocket/ jeans pocket.
        Ask for a copy of the footage since you do not believe you withdrew the money and if they will not do that under normal circumstances then you can ask for the footage under the Data Protection Act 1998 as CCTV is covered by the act. You are kinda on similar lines to me. Why would you not sign a withdrawal slip to take out the funds? I suspect I might have an idea how it was made and I suspect it was a mistake.....
        "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
        (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


        • #5
          Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

          Hi Andyuk,
          Sorry to read of such a bad situation that is taking far too long to sort out as usual. £600 to Barclays is irrelevant, £600 to you is massive.
          Any update on this?


          • #6
            Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

            Hi Shadowcat,

            Thanks for your and others responses. I am in progress of writing Barclays a letter and demanding a copy of the signature on the withdrawal slip as well as a copy of CCTV footage as advised by leclerc. I was away for a week and only got back yesterday. Will let you know as soon as something comes back from Barclays.


            • #7
              Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

              Email the CEO of barclays and stuff dealing with any form of letter.


              "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
              (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


              • #8
                Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

                Thanks leclerc - should I just send him quick email what has happened and attach scanned documents and Barclays responses?

                Also it was quite interesting to see the last line of your previous answer. If you suspect it was a mistake from Barclays side then clearly they couold have seen it by CCTV footage and would have looked for other course of action? Or they are reluctant to admit mistake from their side and want to gloss it up with least work involved?


                • #9
                  Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

                  Hi again, it's been some time now but finally have received a response from Barclays. Having read that makes me fuming - I have never ever come across such a stubbornness to be honest.

                  On my last letter I have advised them that I will be looking into a possibility of starting legal proceedings against Barclays Bank based on numerous issues with the transaction. Maybe it was not the wisest move to warn them in advance but I wanted them to see that this is credible case and not some imaginative fraud. I have also pointed out the completely misleading date of transaction used in their response and that it showed me of Barclays Bank not looking seriously into this case.

                  In my last letter I have also requested the following information to be provided to me: a copy of the signature on the withdrawal slip and also a copy of CCTV footage. Unfortunately only after sending the letter did I realise forgetting to request the time of transaction.

                  Reasonable requests you would assume however not to Barclays.

                  Their response stated that even because of the wrongly input date they still dealt with the case seriously to ensure the correct outcome is reached. They have also passed the address for the data protection team which I need to contact for CCTV footage (fair point).

                  The following however amused me to say least: ‘’Our complaints procedure has now been exhausted and Barclays Customer Relations will not enter into any further correspondence. I recommend that you now refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service and allow them the opportunity to consider the issues you have raised’’.

                  Since when request to provide the information is being considered as a complaint? Do also they have reasonable grounds to comment that they will not enter into any further correspondence? I was thinking writing another letter requesting yet again the copy of the signature on the withdrawal slip and timing of the transaction however that line from Barclays made me wonder is this the best thing to do?

                  Any ideas anyone? Should I send that request letter and state that this is not a complaint anymore and I need that information to choose the following action? Or should I just forget the normal correspondence and search for legal assistance as going to Ombudsman will take ages anything to resolve…..


                  • #10
                    Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

                    What would be the position, regarding making a claim in the small claims court?

                    Given that under banking code guidelines the bank are required to prove that money was not fraudulently taken from an account, would the court not be able to order the production of these items.
                    Last edited by davyb; 11th July 2012, 10:22:AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

                      Originally posted by davyb View Post
                      What would be the position, regarding making a claim in the small claims court?

                      Given that under banking code guidelines the bank are required to prove that money was not fraudulently taken from an account, would the court not be able to order the production of these items.
                      Thanks Davyb. Just to confirm that I have understood this correctly -

                      If the case is taken to a small claim court then Barclays Bank under banking code guidelines is required to prove that money was not fraudulently taken from an account.

                      Also if they do not respond to my requests to provide the information such as copy of the withdrawal slip or the copy of the signature on the withdrawal slip and the timing of the transaction then in such a case the court would make them to do it? I gather these requests would have to be given to court once proceeding with the case application?

                      Apologies for silly questions but haven't got such a knowledge as majority of people in here


                      • #12
                        Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

                        Generally when a case is taken to small claims the burden is on the claimant(you) to prove your case.

                        The decision is actually made on who is probably in the right, but it is usually weighed towards the defendant.

                        However banking guidelines say that if an accusation like yours it is for the bank to show that the money was not taken fraudulently, i think that this cold be included in your pleading, putting them on the back foot for producing evidence to prtove thier argument.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hi everyone - Barclays (or someone) stole my money......

                          Thanks Davyb,

                          That was very informative and gave me more hope that I was having at the moment! It would be really interesting to see how Barclays would accuse me withdrawing the money without having any evidence as in their first letter they admitted that I was seen in the bank however it could not be concluded if I was withdrawing anything. Based on that merit of me being in the bank they thought is a strong evidence of me withdrawing the money! Talk about the daylight robbery - next time will be accused of causing them chief exec to resign just because I was in their head office?


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