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employee harrasment ?

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  • employee harrasment ?

    sorry - i can not post in the other sections ?

    my company has decided to try and catch me out with the following...........

    1 - i had a puncture on my KTM motorcycle, which i found out on saturday late afternoon via a phone call from my father
    2 - i e-mailed my work on saturday to tell them i would be late in on monday as it was not possible to fix there and then
    3 - i attempt to inflate the tyre monday morning so i could travel 2 miles to get to the repair shop
    4 - inflation failed, so got a mate in a van to drop me off
    5 - arrived at repair shop, i also bought some other parts (new spindle, chain adjusters and brake disc) along as they were due to be changed, i just never got round to getting the rear wheel off myself
    6 - inner tube was changed along with said parts
    7 - arrive at work, all fine
    8 - next day, i get an e-mail from the MD who CCed in the office manager, it basically stated that people were suspicious about my whereabouts i was asked to prove him wrong
    9 - i found out a guy here had reported me for being late, he suggested that the office manager ring the tyre people to confirm i had a puncture, he also physically examined my bike, which the idiot then pointed out had no work done on it
    10 - the person who rang the tyre company asked if a ducati had been in, it hadn't, as i took my KTM ! so they obviously replied no, this obviously fuelled the initial complaint / suspicion
    11 - i responded to the e-mail proving that i had been to the tyre company without acknowledging the above information i had obtained

    where do i stand as an employee ? the above has stressed me out and i am lucky i have not blown a valve, it;s all ended with the MD believing me, but the problem is i have had enough of the idiots who were involved, i no longer want to come to work as i feel i am constantly being watched

    they have invaded my private life and have acted like spies
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