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Unusual mortgage situation?

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  • Unusual mortgage situation?

    Hello everyone, I hope this post finds you well.

    This may be a different situation but any help or advice would be really welcome. The bank here is N-RAM (Formerly Northern rock)…

    1st time been in this kind of situation and am seeking some advice as to where I might stand... In Feb 2012 my mortgage went from fixed rate to standard variable. I knew it was going to go down as my fixed rate was more than the SVR.
    I received an official note from my lender telling what my new payment was going to be, it was actually less than I thought and, as I was in a management position that i hated (and was making me ill) I saw the opportunity to stand down and take a lesser role within the same organisation (proved to be a good move health wise!).

    The 1st payment on the new rate went through with no issues. When I came to make the 2nd instalment I was told the payment due was £706 more than I had previously paid. Naturally I queried this and was told the mortgage management unit of my lender would contact me within 48 hours...they didn't so I assumed the original payment was correct.

    When I came to pay the 3rd instalment I was told I was now £706 in arrears, this made me feel sick, I have never been in arrears in 12 years of mortgage. I argued my case and was put through to the mortgage management unit who, after a few questions and denials stated I should never have been sent the 1st letter telling me what my new payment would be (no, really?). I informed them that I had stepped down from my management position on the strength of that letter and could now not afford the suggested new payment (I had still not received the new revised payment information in writing). The mortgage unit then wrote a complaint on my behalf to their complaints dept for investigation...that was 6 weeks ago.

    Since then I have been inundated with calls from their collections dept asking me to clear the arrears, which are now over £2k. I have received 2 letters from the complaints dept, 1 thanking me for the complaint and that they would investigate it and the 2nd telling me they were still investigating and asking me not to go to the financial Ombudsman just yet.

    I am in fear of losing my house, I have 4 young children and am looking at trying to get work on my days off to try and meet the new payments...which is proving impossible. I have been maintaining the payment originally requested.

    As said at the beginning of this post, any help or advice is greatly appreciated. I am really depressed and distressed over this (as is my wife), of course I would not have stepped down if I had known of the alleged ‘new’ figure.

    Many thanks

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  • #2
    Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

    Check your mortgage documents
    In there you will find what the interest level would be at the end of the 'fix' period
    Once you have facts you can start to check what you should be paying.
    i.e. mine says base +1.5%, therefore I should pay 2%
    SVR is a rate they can set at anytime however it should be published / readily available info so again you can check
    Go to the onbudsman, it may cost them money but so what! If they are making you ill they deserve it


    • #3
      Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

      Hi Tazbug. I am with N-Ram too and am almost £13,000 in arrears so hopefully have made you feel better Please try not to worry unduly. In recent months NRAM have broken away from Northern Rock and I strongly believe this has caused a lot of teething problems and poor training to staff at the call centres. Trust me I have experienced this first hand and the last comms I had with the call centre I actually said to the call handler that I know more than she did! The woman was somewhat apologetic and said it was down to 'staff training by management'. Next time you recognise the number on your phone pick it up and say they have the 'wrong number' that will stop the calls. You have done the right thing to go to the complaints department. Now all you have to do is wait for their official reply to 'their investigations'.

      I should also add DON'T stop paying them in the meantime. But do pay what you believe is the correct figure.
      Last edited by Ruby; 12th June 2012, 16:28:PM.


      • #4
        Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

        Thankyou New age and Ruby (my youngest daughter is a Ruby!), Having read your replies I am somewhat relieved, I was of the opinion that, as I can not afford the 'revised payment' I was destined to be cast onto the street and my house sold . As it was their letter upon which I acted and stood down from my job, I am of the opinion N-RAM may have a legal obligation to do something about this. For the moment I will give them the opportunity to address and (hopefully) come up with a suitable solution...before taking it to the ombudsman.

        Thanks again



        • #5
          Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

          You are very welcome. Have in the passed had to resolve going to the doctors and getting anti-depressants due to 'bully tactics' by so called reputable financial companies. LB is great in teaching you - you are not alone and somehow gives you the tools to help you cope and get you through the hard times. Stay strong ......


          • #6
            Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

            Response from my complaint is such that they (NRAM) dispute what I say and suggest I was fully informed of the new rate on 4/2/12 which is false because I stood down from my management position on 15/2/12...I would not have done so if i had been aware of the higher repayment figure.

            They say that the £962 was the payment I had to make as an interest only payment on 1/2/12. My mortgage went to SVR on a repayment basis on 1/3/12 (my interest only period finished at the same time) although the letter made no mention of this. I can see that my assumption was, as all dates were very close together, that I had to pay £962 for the remainder of the mortgage term.

            They have said this the final response so I guess i'll be going to the ombudsman. Having looked back at things I can see where I misread the initial letter, even though at 1st glance the letter to supports my assumption above. I have been in touch with their collections dept (as I can no longer afford my mortgage). I was told that once my arrears get above £5k (now at £2170) they will seek a repossession through the courts...I feel this is harsh as I acted on a letter from them and I dispute their claim that they informed me on 4/2/12...In fact I have since dug out a notification letter dated May 2012!

            On the advice of NRAM I have contacted Payplan with a view to addressing this situation, it looks like I may be going down the road of an IVA in an effort to save my house...all because I acted on the words contained within a communication from NRAM


            • #7
              Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

              Hi Tazbug, I feel your stress! The collections Dept. will be specifically trained to try and be as intimidating as possible. Their internal procedures are changed/changing as you would have probably received a mail shot about this fairly recently. I would suggest you speak to C.A.B. There is a long formal process N-RAM must adhere to to get repossession of your house.

              Please note I am only speaking from my own experience and I am NOT a trained expert, but my advice would be to keep paying as much as you can afford to them. Offer to them an income and expenditure breakdown so they know you are being honest and upfront. They have to be seen to be fair when customers are in financial difficulty. Be strong and keep in touch as to how you get on.


              • #8
                Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

                Write to them suggesting they allow an interest only arrangement for the time being , show them your finances if needs be and you will then appear to have been reasonanle


                • #9
                  Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

                  If I undestand this right, you have a letter from them saying what your new payment is, and you paid one new payment with no problems. They are then saying they got the amount wrong and you should be paying more, and you now have arrears (and gave up your higher-paid job) purely because of their error.
                  Is this right? If so, you should be raising a stink with them (I note you complained but got nowhere). Have you got that letter saying what the new payment is?


                  • #10
                    Re: Unusual mortgage situation?

                    You may want to put your complaint in writing to the CEO:



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