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  • NHS

    Hi All
    Im not sure if this is the correct place for this, but here goes. Four months ago my son went to the doctors with severe stomach pains. And to cut a long story short over the next three months he was.
    Told it was a stomach upset and to relax.
    Given several medicines, non of which worked.
    Promised a scan that never came.
    Refused an 999 Ambulance Twice.
    Told not to use Aand e as a second opinion.

    Eventually having been refused an emergency ambulance for the second time, but told i could have a non blue light ambulance in two hours, Itook him again to Aand e. Luckily he was seen by a specialist of some sort and because he was in such extreme pain was put on morphine, and was admitted. He stayed on morphine and was in a week, where they found out he had Pancratitis and a lung infection.

    I feel very, very angry that he was not taken seriously and had he been, he would not have had to endure such pain and certainly would not have had the lung infection.

    Has anyone any advice as to if we have any redress.
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  • #2
    Re: NHS

    Hi and welcome,
    You can also to talk to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). Most hospitals have a PALS office. They can give you advice on how to get your complaint resolved. This may include making a complaint to the hospital management through the NHS complaints procedure. To find the contact details for your hospital, go to Find and choose services.For more information on making a complaint, go to How to complain.


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