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hi all,

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  • hi all,

    hello everyone

    i've just joined the forum & posted a question about v5 forms & VT (car finance), and didn't introduce myself first!
    apologies for that. (how rude!)

    i've just put my daughter on a flight to australia (starting a new life), and am now clearing up all the stressful stuff, car, accommodation, contracts, etc etc. so between bursting into tears, and meeting myself coming backwards, lol, i'm not my usual polite self!

    so again, hello, my name's jan.
    i don't have much knowledge regarding legal issues, and have pretty much fumbled through life (so far) using google, and forums such as this, to find any answers, and solve any issues.
    but between an A4 sheet of [to do's] and the collection company coming for the car tomorrow, i have been lazy this time (or clever, 'finaly' lol) and joined the forum and actually asked for help lol.

    again, i offer thanks in advance, for any suggestions regarding the v5 (and signing)
    the thread is here:
    FORUM>GENERAL CONSUMER ISSUES>Vehicle Finance and Issues>signing your V5 after voluntary termination
    (i'm not sure on rules regarding links and new members, so i've mapped the boards instead)

    and look forward to meeting you all.
    kind regards,
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: hi all,

    Hi Jan
    Welcome to Legal Beagle.

    I can sypathise with you, my son went to China to start a new life and it is a worry - he left behind a mountain of debts that was over 3 years ago and I have not got used to it.

    The only bsaving grace is Skype and cheap phone calls etc and I miss him like crazy.

    Give yourself some time to gather your feelings up and I am sure once she has made contact when she arrives and speaks to you on Skype you will feel heaps better.

    I am sure more experienced peeps will visit your thread soon hun and answer you - best not to stress and all will be done.

    <<<<HUGS>>>>> xxx


    • #3
      Re: hi all,

      hi tuttsi,

      thanks for the lovelly reply.
      skype is BRILLIANT lol. i actually downloaded this morn & was talking to her as the bus drove her onto the tarmac (lol plane)
      i think it'll hit me once i know she is actually there safe!!

      just got a reply to my query as well, this site is great! you guys are great!
      thank you

      jan x


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