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hi everyone

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  • hi everyone

    i would like to say hi to everyone , i,ve been reading the post on this site and have found them very interesting and informative
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  • #2
    Re: hi everyone

    Hi, Ruffass, Welcome to Legal Beagles. Hope we can help you.

    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


    • #3
      Re: hi everyone

      Hope you can help im at my wits end at the moment not sure if i post here but Im currently having a nightmare with Blemain Finance and could really do with some advice ,
      i,ve had a summons to court for a repossession order , after falling behind with the repayments on the secured loan on my wifes house , i say wifes house as its her house and the first morgage is hers .
      we telephoned them last week and they have asked for incoming and outgoings and said that they would get there solicitor to ask for a Suspended Possession Order when we appear at court , but summons states if for full possession can these people be held to word , also help on where to go for advice on this matter would be much appreciated
      thank RUFFASS

      Read more at: Blemain Finance - Page 12 - Legal Beagles Consumer Forum


      • #4
        Re: hi everyone

        Hello again Ruffass,

        The forum you have placed your post in is the best one to get help for your situation. I would put your last post in this thread into the forum on Blemain Finance.

        Unfortunately, I am not the best person to consult on the circumstances you have outlined as my background is in criminal law, elder and disability issues. There are other Legal Beagles who are better-placed and more experienced than I am in the field of finance. Obviously, if any criminal matters come to light, then I can probably advise on those.

        Sorry I cannot be more helpful.

        Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


        • #5
          Re: hi everyone

          Thanks for that Bluebottle i will repost under Blemain Finance ,


          • #6
            Re: hi everyone

            Hi Ruffas

            I have just come accross this thread and the one on Blemain Finance and am really sorry for the fact that you have had no help in this matter.

            Please if you could come back to let us know how you got on at court and if you need any further help.


            • #7
              Re: hi everyone

              Hi guys - did this get moved and is Ruffass getting help?


              • #8
                Re: hi everyone

                I am trying to post a new thread I dont know how to do this can you help.



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