Re: first charge mortgage GE
The court will not have allocated sufficient time for all those matters to be determined at the next hearing, the judge will only be looking to formulate an agreement under which a suspended possession order would be granted.
You are setting out an ambitious and potentially dangerous path to follow as the lender would employ high level legal representation but for your defence and counterclaim to be heard and considered you will need to convince the Judge to allow sufficient time for your claims to be addressed and determined, for that the Judge would transfer the matter to the multi-track.
If you are serious about having these matters heard in a court you should do so under no illusions that should you lose, the costs award against is are likely to be more than the mortgage.
On the other side you may wish to consider whether you feel the lender actually has the stomach for such a fight as the cost to them would extend far beyond your costs (you should begin to log all time spent researching, preparing and making correspondence and keep receipts for everything spent, even small items like postage),
Reality is that most lenders look at matters in a different light and suddenly want to negotiate an alternative option to court should anyone have the audacity to challenge them to the point that it involves more work than completing an application for possession form and sending along a local junior solicitor, who will always put up a bit of a fight as not securing at least a suspended order does not do their potential career any good.
On the matter of convincing the court, I would be happy to discuss each point with you, with the intention of arming you with as much information as possible to ensure things move onto the next stage which will be decided at the hearing as the Judge would give directions for the management of the case, basically setting a timescale for each stage of the process up to a full hearing.
One such stage would be disclosure, where you could make a request through the courts for documentation like the a breakdown of their charges and details of commissions paid etc.
The court will not have allocated sufficient time for all those matters to be determined at the next hearing, the judge will only be looking to formulate an agreement under which a suspended possession order would be granted.
You are setting out an ambitious and potentially dangerous path to follow as the lender would employ high level legal representation but for your defence and counterclaim to be heard and considered you will need to convince the Judge to allow sufficient time for your claims to be addressed and determined, for that the Judge would transfer the matter to the multi-track.
If you are serious about having these matters heard in a court you should do so under no illusions that should you lose, the costs award against is are likely to be more than the mortgage.
On the other side you may wish to consider whether you feel the lender actually has the stomach for such a fight as the cost to them would extend far beyond your costs (you should begin to log all time spent researching, preparing and making correspondence and keep receipts for everything spent, even small items like postage),
Reality is that most lenders look at matters in a different light and suddenly want to negotiate an alternative option to court should anyone have the audacity to challenge them to the point that it involves more work than completing an application for possession form and sending along a local junior solicitor, who will always put up a bit of a fight as not securing at least a suspended order does not do their potential career any good.
On the matter of convincing the court, I would be happy to discuss each point with you, with the intention of arming you with as much information as possible to ensure things move onto the next stage which will be decided at the hearing as the Judge would give directions for the management of the case, basically setting a timescale for each stage of the process up to a full hearing.
One such stage would be disclosure, where you could make a request through the courts for documentation like the a breakdown of their charges and details of commissions paid etc.