My expartner had his identity stolen and debts built up in his name. Capquest have bought the debt and keep sending letters to him. My ex is now in Central America "finding himself" but the letters keep coming to the house which is now in my name only. I have been sending the letters back unopened with "not known at this address" on them. Is there anyway I can get them to stop sending them? My ex has no intention of dealing with this matter.
My expartner had his identity stolen and debts built up in his name. Capquest have bought the debt and keep sending letters to him. My ex is now in Central America "finding himself" but the letters keep coming to the house which is now in my name only. I have been sending the letters back unopened with "not known at this address" on them. Is there anyway I can get them to stop sending them? My ex has no intention of dealing with this matter.