Hello to you all, Thank you for letting me join your great website
I am currently learning The Freeman way and was referred to this site by a chap called Kent, if my memory serves me right.
Is there anyone in Cornwall that shares the same interest as me.
It would be good to mix with some likeminded people, The Freeman way can be quite lonely especially in Cornwall.
I hope to conribute where I can and learn a lot from you ladies and gents on here.
Thanks for having me
I am currently learning The Freeman way and was referred to this site by a chap called Kent, if my memory serves me right.
Is there anyone in Cornwall that shares the same interest as me.
It would be good to mix with some likeminded people, The Freeman way can be quite lonely especially in Cornwall.
I hope to conribute where I can and learn a lot from you ladies and gents on here.
Thanks for having me