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Mackenzie Hall – please help!

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  • Mackenzie Hall – please help!

    Hello dear members!

    Please help!

    I have received couple of letters from Mackenzie Hall asking to contact them concerning “personal matter”. Reading posts about them I have ignored them but today I have received “Failure to respond - notice”. It’s regarding dept from 2006 with Welcome Finance. They ask me to repay £4000 by Wednesday noon stating they obtain the address from credit reference agency. The pursuers is Cattles.

    I have check my credit report with Experian and I do not have any defaults or CCJ’s against me.

    Can someone advice how to deal with them? Am I in big trouble?

    Thanks in advance for your replies.
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  • #2
    Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

    If they've got the right person, send them a Prove It Letter (to be found under Debts - Debt Collection Agencies - Dealing with DCA's by Curlyben, number 4 i think off the top of my head?)


    • #3
      Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

      ALWAYS file any correspondence from Mucky Hall under I for IGNORE, as they specialise in pursuing statute barred and other completely unenforceable debts.

      NEVER respond to their threats at all.

      They huff and they puff but they are full of Bovine Excrement !!!!!


      • #4
        Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

        Thank you so much for advice. I have read all info available on the forum and it helped a lot. I think I will go for “I” option for now – less is better.

        What would happen if they could prove the debt is mine?

        It seems I made a huge mistake going to Experian, looks like I gave them all the info needed on a plate with all addresses, financial links etc.... and they just passed it on to those monsters, and made me pay £14.50 for it I love Irony

        Thank you one more time for your help!


        • #5
          Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

          Now that's what Mucky Hall would like you to think.
          Their letters are carefully (or not) crafted for maximum pyscological effect.
          All in all they are complete twunts that deserve everything they get.


          • #6
            Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

            True, and they almost got me What would we do without people like you!

            Thank you so much.

            Let's hope Royal Mail will make some money on them as they won't on me


            • #7
              Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

              You're next missive from them will most likely include the threat of a visit from MeritForce, yet another meaningless name.
              So don't worry about that either.

              I have yet to meet anyone that has anything good to say about the Kilmarnock Cowboys


              • #8
                Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                They will start sending sms messages to your home phone number. The only good thing about Muck Hall having the debt is confirmation that its UNENFORCEABLE. They are the DCA at the bottom of the dung heap.

                The only time they will be in court will be as defendants


                • #9
                  Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                  I get heaps of them, likely I do not use my landline at all, so have put my phone on mute and problem solved.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                    Help I have been conned when I was recovering from a Brain Operation
                    in 2008 Mackenzie Hall contacted me regarding money owed to several
                    different financial companies at the time I was unable to handle all
                    this hassle as I was also trying to sort out my current Bank account
                    To stop any further hassle I contacted a Debt Management Company
                    to handle the situation with Mackenzie Hall but now I am better I now
                    realise these were not in fact my debts does anyone know how I
                    can get my money returned that I have paid for debts which are not mine

                    I have stopped all further payments made by my Debt Management Co.
                    But I do wonder why the debt people didn't advise me that
                    this was a possible statute barred debt
                    I feel let down by the debt management company I turned to for help
                    i have been paying these debts for 2 years now together with some others
                    which I know are mine.When I did ask Mackenzie hall for evidence they had
                    none and referred me back to the Original Company who had the debt
                    as they were not able to get evidence on my behalf.So I have written
                    to one so far without a reply not sure were I stand now
                    but as far as I am concerned no more money gets paid to them
                    The question is how do I get my money back when I asked the question
                    I was told it had been given to 1stDirect Bank and I couldn't get it back
                    The debt was not actually with first Direct anyway.
                    Since my brain operation I have not been able to work and are reliant on my DLA
                    So money I have already paid in error is more than just annoying
                    it would make a lbig difference to me to get it back
                    living on such a limited income.I feel advantage has been taken due to my
                    misfortune of this occurring when I was unable to deal with it
                    I have been wondering is this a case I could take to the Financial ombusman
                    to achieve return of my money any ideas anyone ????/


                    • #11
                      Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                      I would think you would need proof that Muck Hall browbeat you into paying these debts and exerted undue pressure on you. Im afraid that without proof it will be very difficult to get money back from these shysters


                      • #12
                        Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                        Many thanks Jack Russell looks like I will just have to let the money paid
                        stay with them.I have the letters sent to me well at
                        least my Debt Management People have those the Telephone
                        calls stopped Once the Debt Management got them to stop
                        pestering me.Its just a sorry episode in my life that I will put
                        into the past but at least I am clued up to it all
                        I will just be glad when I have no need of a Debt Management Service
                        I have been with them for 2yrs now and since the problems were
                        dropped on my mat I have no further debts.
                        I have a Bank Account with no overdraft facilities who also
                        put back my money as and when it comes into a special
                        Account which is set up for my monthly bills being on benefits which
                        is not paid monthly works very well once all money has been
                        set aside for bills I am then given money on my debit card
                        for food etc., I pay for this service but it does mean
                        I will no longer incurr any further debts
                        Thanks to this Website.I have also
                        got the Halifax to deduct £1,800 off my overdraft plus
                        they gave me £100 in compensation for the way in which they
                        handled my account so although its not cash in the pocket i have
                        less to pay back.Hopefully now having this knowledge i will
                        not be caught in the net again
                        Just yesterday my partner had a letter from Arrow Global
                        after phoning regarding this Debt which was originally Orange 1996
                        Arrow made the first ever letter regarding this
                        but He was asked to write to:Close Credit Management
                        which he has done quoting statute barred
                        I must Thank this site so very much


                        • #13
                          Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                          Originally posted by ODC View Post
                          I would think you would need proof that Muck Hall browbeat you into paying these debts and exerted undue pressure on you. Im afraid that without proof it will be very difficult to get money back from these shysters
                          A subject access request to muck hall may reveal something?


                          • #14
                            Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                            Originally posted by Curlyben View Post
                            I have yet to meet anyone that has anything good to say about the Kilmarnock Cowboys
                            I would like to praise them....for being at the bottom of the DCA pile!


                            • #15
                              Re: Mackenzie Hall – please help!

                              Theres quite a bit of competition for the bottom of the dung heap. Credit Security have my vote along with Gothia and Go Debt


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