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Hello all :-) joined after call from mackenzie hall this morning

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  • Hello all :-) joined after call from mackenzie hall this morning

    Hello all,

    Firstly, what a great site! I Found you this morning having googled mackenzie hall after receiving a sms on the house phone and I am very glad i did.

    I am genuinely not sure what(or whom) the call was/is about but I AM concerned (and went into super stressful mood) as I was repossessed in October 1990, however I took out an indemnity insurance at the time and the last I heard from anyone about this was around 1999 when my ex and I received an expenditure form through the post from the insurance company and we declined to complete it refusing to admit we owed any money (we were advised not to even offer one pound a week as this would admit liability) As far as I recall, we stated we had taken indemnity insurance out which had covered the shortfall and did not owe any money. I am hoping this means it falls within the statute barred definition??

    Fast forward some years and I am literally about to purchase a new house (we complete end October) all on my own income through Yorkshire bank on a very good rate so not had to approach a higher risk lender. I have rebuilt my credit and have no other debt. I have racked my brain and cannot think of anything else this could be. I had a CCJ but paid that every month dutifully and then settled it around 3 years ago. My ex left in 2000 and did owe money so that could be a reason for the call and I don't know if my daughter or her boyfriend or indeed my new partner could be the reason for the call...i have mentioned to partner but he cannot think of anything either.

    Incidentally, both our credit reference files were okay 3 months ago --Peters score was low due to reduced payments on his credit card after losing his job but he has consistently paid full payments for last 9 months, kept his mortgage payments up to date until he sold his house in January however, his bank account has been OD for ages but as far as he recalls, no failure to pay anything.

    It could be either my eldest- she no longer lives with us and I did have a problem transferring her address with Adams store card but i thought we had sorted that however I dont think she had anything else. It could also be my youngest or her BF but they aren't here to ask until later.

    The only thing I am sure about now though(thanks to your site) is that I will not(and must tell the other too) not enter into any dialogue verbally and I assume if its real, they will write to the person involved.

    Is there anything else to be aware of with this company? I have to say, i took down the ref number and very nearly called but having looked up the company I dont care to enter into dialogue and I certainly will not confirm who I am until a company can tell me details--I once p"d Argos off when I asked THEM to tell ME all my details since they were the one calling me..needless to say that call didnt last long and I took a number and called them back but it proved a point(if only temporarily)

    my partner is telling me not to stress as if its genuine they will write and surely if this debt was still applicable I would not have secured the mortgage?

    One other thing is this number is a new one- my daughter changed it last October and it is also ex directory and on the TPS..might that mean its a recent problem they are calling about?

    Reassurance is preferable but i am growed up enough to hear the rough stuff too....gently though please

    Anyway, fab site-amazing people who take the time to offer this advice and I look forward to learning more from you all.

    Thank you


  • #2
    Re: Hello all :-) joined after call from mackenzie hall this morning

    Hi. For starters, get a free 0871 number and give the debt collectors that number, and they will call it. You can earn money from their calls and with downloaded software you can listen to their voicemail messages - so you know what they're saying, who's calling and if you want to call them back you get a log of tgheir number. Know how often they called you and what time etc. Its very useful.

    I haven't earned much from my free 0871 number yet but the very concept of getting something back off the DCAs is absolutely brilliant.

    Let me know if yuo want a link to a free 0871 provider.
    Last edited by The Debt Star; 21st September 2010, 15:46:PM.


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