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  • ssuzy

    I started claims at the end of January 2010. I have been told that 3 of my loans are unsuccessful, but am still waiting to hear about 2 credit cards being zero balanced, Virgin and Halifax. I paid for the platinum service and have paid out a total of £2600. I am a very anxious about this now, as I haven’t heard of any successful claims being settled. I have phoned them frequently but told the solicitors are still dealing with it and it can take up to 12 months. I would really like to hear some good news about these claims and if anyone has been successful, or at least if they haven’t their money returned. Any advice would be much appreciated

    Thanks for any assistance Suzy

  • #2
    Re: ssuzy

    Hi Suzy
    I take it you paid a certain claims managemnt company (Cento Client Review)for this service?

    We have had a couple of people who have posted stating that they have been sucessfull but in all honestly I have many others like you that have not yet been sucessful.

    I take it you are hoping for your credit cards to be written off? There has been an adverse court case in recent months.

    Can you please post up more information and we will try and help you.



    • #3
      Re: ssuzy

      Yes i did pay Cento Client Review the money. Yes it is to try and get my 2 credit cards written off. What other information do you require and i will let you no. thanks


      • #4
        Re: ssuzy

        Why do you believe these debts should be written off?


        • #5
          Re: ssuzy

          Because thats what the told me would happen, and advised to go ahead with the claim. It started off with the PPI claims, which I always say no to when asked. But they told me a lot of companies get round this and add it on in other ways. This is how it all started. As i dont normally run up credit card bills that i cant afford to pay.


          • #6
            Re: ssuzy

            Hi Ssuzy

            Have a read of this http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/docs/jud...rey-v-hsbc.pdf & http://business.timesonline.co.uk/to...cle6868968.ece

            Once you have read the above you should write a recorded letter to Cento Client Review advising that since they have not kept you informed on your claims and it has now come to your attention the court judgement and send them a copy and that in the circumstances you should if that is your wish request a full refund of all monies paid and give them 7 days to do so otherwise you will take legal action against them.

            Please also read the following which I had posted on another thread:-

            In all I am not entirely surprised that this is the result, but what annoys me is that the CMC's will still carry on telling peeps that there are 18 flaws etc and that they have unenforceable agreements just so they can charge upfront fees without a hope in hell of being able to reclaim these. This is how many CMC's make there money so will it stop - I don't think so?

            I also see Mr Gander has made a couple of remarks:-

            October 10, 2009 9:18 PM Marc Gander wrote:

            If it is a question of overstretching oneself, the British Banking Inudstry seem to have done a pretty good job of that.

            BST on community.timesonline.co.uk

            Marc Gander wrote:

            This article completely misstates the effect of the judgment.

            The effect of the judgment is that the agreement is unenforceable so that the money is not recoverable at law. However the legal unenforceablity does not prejudice the rights of the lender to continue non-judical methods of attempting the recover the money, of entering defaults onto the credit register etc. Furthermore, the customer would not normally be entitled to compain of harassment in respect of normal debt collection practices or make complaints under the Consumer (Protection from Unfair Trading) Regs 2008 etc.

            In other words, the lender can still pile on the pressure but can't take any formal action to get their money back.

            To say that customers will now be obliged to repay is entirely wrong.

            October 10, 2009 2:16 PM BST on community.timesonline.co.uk

            Last edited by TUTTSI; 14th July 2010, 16:20:PM. Reason: added


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