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Hello. :) :) :)

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  • Hello. :) :) :)

    new here. Obviously.

    Am so pleased to have found your site. I only stumbled apon it by accident, but it could be the place where i find some answers. Have found a thread similar to my own circumstance called "Vehicle Ownership" over in the Vehicle Finance section. Hope some of you lovely people can steer me in the right direction. Many thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Hello.

    Am writing this out here so folks don't have to try and find it. Hope that helps. :-)

    I bought a car just under a year ago... no, didn't HPI it because its 8 years old, and I didn't think after several owners it would still have finance on it. The guy who sold me the car claimed to own it for several years, and the paperwork he had with it said it was finance free when the car was 2 years old, so i thought all would be fine.
    Paid cash for it, can't find the receipt. Have probably thrown it, because to my mind after owning a secondhand car for a few months, if it goes wrong, its too bad. No comeback. Don't have anything on a bank statement to say I took the money out, cos i already had the money from selling my previous car a couple of weeks before. All I have in the way of proof of purchase is a paypal deposit of £100 made to the seller's girlfriend.
    Didn't go to his house to buy it. We were visiting someone halfway between our two homes, so he took it there and we bought it and trailered it home.
    Now, out of the blue, i get visited by a Repo guy, as my car has previous finance on it. My other half wasn't going to hand over the keys, so Repo guy left, saying the paperwork would be sent back to finance co.
    Finance Co won't tell me how much is owed or by whom, and in fact they were quite rude, making me feel like a criminal when i tried to plead my innocence.
    So, my obvious question is, what happens now?
    If they come to take the car (Repo guy said there was a court order out on the car, but i didn't see any paperwork...was hard enough getting the name of the Finance co off him)., will i be liable for the rest of the debt that is owing?
    Does it affect MY credit rating?
    Finance co said they are sneding me an Innocent Purchaser form to fill out... do i fill it in, or will it incriminate me?

    It turns out the guy who owned it before me only owned it for 9 months. When I phoned him for help, he didn't remember the car... said he "sells lots of cars"... so not sure if he is a business or just sells cars on the side. He is not being helpful, says he won;t help cos the Finance co will be after him if he helps me get out of a fix.
    Will they?
    Surely they should be beating down the door of the person who took out the finance, not anyone else?

    Any help on this matter would be lovely.


    • #3
      Re: Hello.

      anyone there?


      • #4
        Re: Hello.

        Have a read of this thread and in particular post #2 Vehicle Ownership - Legal Beagles Consumer Forum

        This should tell you everything you need to know.



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