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adverse possesssion

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  • adverse possesssion

    Hi all a new user here.

    I am trying to gain adverse possession of a property.

    The property owner (landlord) has the property up for rent and has a second home.

    I would like to claim adverse possession as I have had physical possession of the property for some time now.

    is this possible?

  • #2
    Re: adverse possesssion

    How long is "some time now" since it will need to be some considerable time and at the exclusion of all others?


    • #3
      Re: adverse possesssion

      Originally posted by Cetelco View Post
      How long is "some time now" since it will need to be some considerable time and at the exclusion of all others?
      12 years, I believe. If you can show a judge you have lived at the property for this long, and without interference from the owner, then it may be possible. Others have fought for their squatters rights and won, so not a pie in the sky idea.

      A recent change made it seemingly more difficult to adversely possess registered properties, but an abandoned building is still abandoned - registered or not.

      An interesting and potentially profitable hobby to be had for adventurous types, this squatting thing.


      • #4
        Re: adverse possesssion

        i also need help with adversepossession, we recently fenced off an unregistered poperty and piece of land,its been abandoned for years and is subject to constant burglaries and vandalism, its an old victorian farmhouse, uninhabitable in its current state so we havnt lived in it, and dont intend to under the news criminal trespass laws, but do intend to possess the curtilage. so we erected locked gates, put private signs up, letterbox etc, and began clearing the land, recieved welcome cards from neighbours etc. anyway one of the neighbours decided to take it upon himself to ring the police who in turn got in touch with the owner. the owner has since come cut off our locks and put there own on while we were away. Am i right in thinking that they have committed criminal damage ? we are a bit stuck as to what to do as she has not had a court order to evict us from the land. do we still have any rights? if we cut off her lock and replace it with our own would we be breaking the law? if we remove our gates letterbox etc would that be a crime? any help would be much appreciated. also i heard it through the grapevine that the true owner is no longer in possession of the deeds, does this affect the case , thank you in advance


        • #5
          Re: adverse possesssion

          Why do you want to Steal someones property that's what this is?


          • #6
            Re: adverse possesssion

            more trying to save an historical building then stealing in my eyes, seeing as the true owner didnt bother to register it , and hasnt so much as even secured it, and is slowly letting it rot away, its a real shame to let a house built in the 1830s with a rich history rot into the ground simply because the owner cant be bothered, until we put the gates up it was a haven for vandals thieves and druggies, not anymore, major improvements, the true owners are the criminals


            • #7
              Re: adverse possesssion

              Gottagetdat, are you intrested in the curtilage or the house as the two posts seem to be at odds?

              anyway i belive that you have already had this question answered on another forum, and the answer is just because someone is not looking after their property, it does not mean you can have it.


              • #8
                Re: adverse possesssion

                Have you the Money to save this building that IMHO you are trying to steal why not find out who the owner is and buy it off them?


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