First of all hi everyone im new to this website but it has been reccommended so here goes....
The problem I have is my laptop i was serching the internet during the second week in December when i had a pop up saying i needed to renew my anti spyware so i pressed continue and low and behold entered my detail to what was advertised as a "safe site" only to find that i had actually just bought the virus !
So, I called my local computer repair shop which is where my problem really lies. I explained to them what had happened and they advised me that this was common and it was to do with the Russian mathia and was well known and all that was needed was to have the virus removed and they would do it for £40 so I agreed and took it down to them, and I was asked did I need anything saving which was of importance to me? I told them yes, All my documents including my dissertation and CV's belonging to my mum, boyfriend and myself and obviously software such as office 2007 said fine no problem took the laptop and the charger wire and that was that no problem.
Then with christmas totally forgot all about it so the last week in december 09 I remembered it called them and they informed me they had not finished it yet or even started it fot that matter this is after they had had it for three weeks! So they promissed me it would be done in a week. so in a week I called .... still not done, another week later ... still not done so by this point i was obviously really annoyed and asked for it back so they said ok give us two more days and we will defo have it done and we will do it for £20 all along blaming there lack of work on the fact that someone had been fired or someone was off sick.
So, two days later a went down there no phone call just went straight in and they had done it ....... that is they had removed the virus along with:
Three days later nope not done not even close and the person i spoke to had no clue about my charger at all. and they tried to blind me with technical jargin which annoys me all teh more. I called them today and it will be completed tomorrow or so they say and they also said they can't give me back my Microsoft Office 2007 as they need the disk. However, I explained I bought it direct online from microsoft and he said i will of been sent a email with a code in or a product key they need that. Which I did recieve but over 12 months ago so obviously I dont keep my emails that long i get them and delete them obviously because its the safest way to be so he said because of this there is nothing they can do...
The thing is i just know im going to go tomorrow and they are going to feed me more lines and give me more excuses im so angry as a customer it's ovvious they are just taking the pi** out of me and they cant be allowed to do this to me can they?????
Can someone please advice me on what io can do tomorrow can i take legal action????
Please help
The problem I have is my laptop i was serching the internet during the second week in December when i had a pop up saying i needed to renew my anti spyware so i pressed continue and low and behold entered my detail to what was advertised as a "safe site" only to find that i had actually just bought the virus !
So, I called my local computer repair shop which is where my problem really lies. I explained to them what had happened and they advised me that this was common and it was to do with the Russian mathia and was well known and all that was needed was to have the virus removed and they would do it for £40 so I agreed and took it down to them, and I was asked did I need anything saving which was of importance to me? I told them yes, All my documents including my dissertation and CV's belonging to my mum, boyfriend and myself and obviously software such as office 2007 said fine no problem took the laptop and the charger wire and that was that no problem.
Then with christmas totally forgot all about it so the last week in december 09 I remembered it called them and they informed me they had not finished it yet or even started it fot that matter this is after they had had it for three weeks! So they promissed me it would be done in a week. so in a week I called .... still not done, another week later ... still not done so by this point i was obviously really annoyed and asked for it back so they said ok give us two more days and we will defo have it done and we will do it for £20 all along blaming there lack of work on the fact that someone had been fired or someone was off sick.
So, two days later a went down there no phone call just went straight in and they had done it ....... that is they had removed the virus along with:
- ALL my documents
- ALL my Pictures ( some of which were sentimental as i did them on photoshop with my dad before he died, and also had a folder with someone elses pictures on which turns out to be my boyfriend 12 year old cousin)
- And removed my Microsoft Office 2007
- Oh... and lost my charger too
Three days later nope not done not even close and the person i spoke to had no clue about my charger at all. and they tried to blind me with technical jargin which annoys me all teh more. I called them today and it will be completed tomorrow or so they say and they also said they can't give me back my Microsoft Office 2007 as they need the disk. However, I explained I bought it direct online from microsoft and he said i will of been sent a email with a code in or a product key they need that. Which I did recieve but over 12 months ago so obviously I dont keep my emails that long i get them and delete them obviously because its the safest way to be so he said because of this there is nothing they can do...
The thing is i just know im going to go tomorrow and they are going to feed me more lines and give me more excuses im so angry as a customer it's ovvious they are just taking the pi** out of me and they cant be allowed to do this to me can they?????
- I've lost all my photos
- ALL my documents
- Software and they have lost my charger
- and to top it off they have charged me for the pleasure too
Can someone please advice me on what io can do tomorrow can i take legal action????
Please help