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General form of judgement order - HELP

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  • General form of judgement order - HELP

    A CCJ was issued against me, to my old address (parking charge). I’ve completed the N244 and received a hearing date. I am on holiday on the date of the hearing and the court kindly agreed to vacate this date and reschedule at a later date.

    on the form confirming this, part 2 stated: A party effected by this order may apply, not more than 7 days after it is served on them to have it set aside, varied or stayed.

    my question is - what does this mean? And how do I apply? Surely it’s not the same N244 application process again.

    In addition, the claimant has written to the court confirming they wouldn’t be attending the hearing and won’t be opposing my application. (They sent the form to my old address from two years ago, despite me updating all DVLA records etc before they issued the initial ticket and CCJ… so I do feel confident in my application to have it set aside).

    please can someone advise on what to do, I’m representing myself and I’m so confused and what to do, quickly.
    thank you!
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  • #2
    Why should you want to apply to vary the order changing the hearing date?
    Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

    Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


    • #3
      Hi there, that’s what I’m not sure on. I want to have this set aside. I’m happy to wait for the next hearing date to be issued, but I just needed some clarity on this part below, that features on the letter received. The first part of the letter said to await the new hearing date (which I am happy to do). But part 2, was the below. Do I need to action anything? I had already applied for the CCJ to be set aside back in April. Thank you

      ‘A party effected by this order may apply, not more than 7 days after it is served on them to have it set aside, varied or stayed.’


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