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Advice regarding credit card debt

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  • Advice regarding credit card debt

    Hello. I’m obviously new here and I’m in need of some help please
    The debt is mine - I took £2000 of my credit card 2018 ish
    I at the time was homeless not working or claiming benefits
    3 years ago oddly today I got the place I live in now - as I’m classed as vulnerable I had a worker for 12 months ( local authority flat )
    As far as I was aware she applied for breathing space - I’ve not paid or heard from anyone until Thursday 11th of July
    I have a medical condition with diagnosis NHS
    there are a couple of things that are not true
    1) A payment plan with Barclay Card
    2) My account opening 2003 ( I opened in 1997/8 )
    3) My account default March 14th 2022
    i have my credit report February 2024 also Karma Credit Experian via logging in
    I’ve rang National Debt today have a CAB appointment Friday this week
    ill upload the letter I’ve had to take a picture and I’m not great with technology
    I’ve had to shorten it I just took a screenshot I hope that’s ok. It won’t let me upload it [IMG]https://legalbeagles.info/forums/image/gif;******,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==[/IMG]​
    Tags: None

  • #2
    I was also rang today and received a txt message too

    I haven’t spoken to them verbally or written and I won’t be doing as I understand that it will reset the time from last payment or contact
    which is 3 years


    • #3


      • #4
        Letter didn't upload. Who has contacted you? I assume debt collectors.

        If you have a CAB appointment come back here afterwards and let us know what they recommend. In the meantime do not reply to the debt collectors or speak to them at all.

        Not sure 3 year period you are referring to. If you mean the 'statute barred' date after which they cannot enforce the debt that is 6 years from when you last made a payment or acknowledged the debt, not 3. It would start runing from when the lender defaulted the account so if that was in March 2022 as they claim you are nowhere near this debt being statute barred.

        EDIT: The account summary spreadsheet has just appeared but we need to know what their letter says if they have written to you. Cover up all personal information that could identify you before uploading, including any reference numbers.
        All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


        • #5
          Cabot finance the letter is from original debt Barclays

          Ok I’ll come back on Friday after I’ve had my telephone call with CAB

          And thank you it really is appreciated by me


          • #6
            IMG_0019.jpeg 3 years is since payment or contract from myself or Barclaycard

            Is definitely not over the 6 year period

            I think without any knowledge of the legal side

            They may have not checked I could afford to repay
            Wasn’t working or claiming benefits

            The 2003 opening the account is wrong definitely 1997/8
            i went in to the bank and filled it in the old way. Again I have no understanding but read something about a signature on the credit agreement


            • #7
              OK, so what you have received is a Notice of Assignment of Debt. Barclays have sold your debt to Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd so Cabot now own it (not Barclays). You now owe the money to Cabot and it is Cabot who could take you to court (assuming you do owe the money).

              So if you haven't already heard from Cabot expect to hear from them soon.

              There's a more detailed explanation of 'Notice of Assignment of Debt' here

              All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


              • #8
                Yes what you have said is correct

                Cabot have written and tried to call me the latter being this morning

                I don’t disagree that the debt is mine

                Just that there are mitigating factors when I was given

                It about -

                affordable repayments as I had no income homeless suffering from a chronic condition ( Equality Act 2010 ) I’m classed as disabled due to my diagnosis

                I do apologise as I’m sure a Saturday evening is not a ideal time for me to be waffling on

                2018 I believe I took the debt
                2020 July I moved into a homeless hostel
                2021 July I moved out and into where I am today

                Monthly monies were paid until July 2021

                I shall look now at your link so thank you

                I just want to know what is the best way to deal with the situation fairly for all


                • #9
                  IMG_4168.jpegIMG_4167.jpeg Mornings

                  I shall check my bank but I’m sure I paid nothing from
                  July 2021 ( I was told I was in breathing space )

                  But the report is saying I did pay

                  If that was true the debt would be less than it is

                  Can I say I did pay £100 per month until January ?

                  Basically as I’ve said I just want it done with

                  But I’m not having me being taken for idiot

                  Ive had no contact from Barclay definitely since I’ve been here - July 2021

                  Ive also applied for other cards and got them

                  Even with this default on my credit report

                  So when they say we are talking you to court

                  They can’t ruin my credit score anymore than it is now
                  Is that right ?

                  Thank you


                  • #10
                    IMG_4201.pngIMG_4202.png Evening

                    Cabot are worse than what a stalker would be like ( Obe never had the misfortune of a stalker )

                    Friday I have a CAB appointment over the phone

                    Since last Thursday 11th July I’ve been contacted every day bar Sunday. Txt message a email and phone

                    Obviously I’ve not communicated with them as I don’t actually know who owns the debt either then or Barclays
                    No interest can be applied I don’t think it’s not changed in 3 years

                    I just would like to know I’m I doing the best thing ?

                    I will go down the route of my disability/illness isn’t going to be getting better for well ever which I do have a diagnosis for from the NHS plus been unable to work for over a decade

                    As it’s £2400 ( I will be asking for credit agreement ) and evidence of my payments

                    As after 3 years of being where I am now and not contact from anyone Barclays have done nothing

                    To this I’m Mr popular at Cabot’s


                    • #11
                      I forgot also what would be a fair final settlement offer ?

                      seen some offerings of £900 on circa £2400

                      I was thinking half of that considering they have only owned the paperwork a week and they will have paid pennies for it

                      This is only me finding out information as I’ve never been in this situation before in half a century

                      All being well first and last time. But you can never be sure


                      • #12

                        What is the benefit to them to receive communication from me ?


                        The debt is definitely not over 6 years since last payment 2021 June May id guess

                        But zero contact since those dates

                        Thankfully have my appointment tomorrow

                        Because it’s starting to impact on my mental health which can lead to me going downhill quickly

                        Which would quite annoy me as I’m weeks away from
                        a full calendar year which would definitely be a world record for myself since a teenager

                        For clarity I’m not in anyway in danger of causing any physical harm to myself ( Sound dramatic I know but it’s a standard practice to be asked this question )

                        Which is a very important question to be asked

                        Kind regards



                        • #13
                          Let us know what CAB advise. In the meantime why not block their mobile number and email address?

                          You say "I don’t actually know who owns the debt either then or Barclays" but actually you do because the Notice of Assignment from Barclays that you attached in Post #6 is the formal notification from Barclays that they have sold your debt to Cabot.
                          All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


                          • #14

                            The phone I have set on don’t except numbers that are not in my contacts I’ll post a picture because it’s actually very handy

                            The email they have subscribed me so I’ve just left it as
                            i don’t have any notifications ( also don’t want them to know I’ve seen it ) sounds a tad mad I know

                            I shall I’m looking forward to my appointment tomorrow as I genuinely don’t know if it’s real or not ( I suspect it to be ) but after so long of no letters calls emails to this a avalanche this last week

                            think I’d rather be safe than sorry

                            but thank you for you response and advice it’s really appreciated

                            Last edited by Floppers; 18th July 2024, 15:22:PM.


                            • #15
                              Think they’re as sick as me from their last txt

                              Stop unknown numbers ring you as I promised
                              Last edited by Floppers; 18th July 2024, 15:24:PM.


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