Around 8 years ago when my son was 1 I was unfortunately not able to fully support him financially for a period of approx 12 months. I have always been there for my son, and whilst I was able to take him out for the odd treat Im ashamed that for his first year of his life he received very little financially from me. Thankfully I found myself employment and have supported him financially for the last 7 years through Child Maintenance Services. CMS are aware of the missed payments and have added this debt on to what I owe in outstanding payments. I am obviously fine with this, they were missed, they're owed. No issue with that at all.
I pay through direct pay with CMS which means they do an annual review of my earnings, having access to my P60 each year and they calculate the amount that payments will be to my ex partner until my next annual review. I make them aware of bonuses etc and this is also factored in my payment. Included in this payment is an installment to paying off the outstanding child maintenance (~£1200). I have no input towards the figure that CMS provide to me. If my sallery goes up, so does my payment - absolutely fine.
My ex partner has now filed with a small claims court saying she wants the debt repaid in full. I would love nothing more than to pay her it in full, unfortunately I am not in the position to pay it in full. The instalments that the CMS have provided are accurate in reflecting what I can afford to pay each month in regards to paying back the debt.
We had the mediation call yesterday where I tried to explain this the best I could - obviously mediation was unsuccessful and now I'm told it will have to go before a judge. I am a bit perplexed as to how this can happen when I am paying back the outstanding monies at a rate that has been laid out by CMS through a service that I pay for to directly try and avoid things like this happening. Again - I have no problem with paying this money back, I am more than happy to pay it back but paying it back in a lump sum or in installments higher than what I currently pay will leave me in great financial difficulty.
I spoke with CMS about this and they agreed that they were also unsure as to how this could go before a judge. The agent stating 'anything we say trumps what she says' (unsure as to how true this is TBF). I suppose my question is, could it get dismissed by a judge? Could it be settled without us having to attend court?
I don't know if it's worth noting, but my ex partner tried something similar to this previously about 2 years ago. She claimed that I was paying the incorrect amount in child support in relation to my wage. Again I tried to explain that this payment is literally worked out for me, but it still ended up in front of a judge. In a hearing that she did not attend in person or bother to attend even by video link the judge very quickly ruled in my favour when I presented my evidence.
I've had to take unpaid leave from work yesterday for the mediation call and fear I will have to do the same again for who knows how many upcoming dates, as was the case the last time she did this. This ordeal, as with the last one is leaving me losing money and really taking it's toll on my mental health. If there is any advice anybody could offer me I would be extremely grateful.
I am in North Wales, she is in England.
Thanks for your time
Around 8 years ago when my son was 1 I was unfortunately not able to fully support him financially for a period of approx 12 months. I have always been there for my son, and whilst I was able to take him out for the odd treat Im ashamed that for his first year of his life he received very little financially from me. Thankfully I found myself employment and have supported him financially for the last 7 years through Child Maintenance Services. CMS are aware of the missed payments and have added this debt on to what I owe in outstanding payments. I am obviously fine with this, they were missed, they're owed. No issue with that at all.
I pay through direct pay with CMS which means they do an annual review of my earnings, having access to my P60 each year and they calculate the amount that payments will be to my ex partner until my next annual review. I make them aware of bonuses etc and this is also factored in my payment. Included in this payment is an installment to paying off the outstanding child maintenance (~£1200). I have no input towards the figure that CMS provide to me. If my sallery goes up, so does my payment - absolutely fine.
My ex partner has now filed with a small claims court saying she wants the debt repaid in full. I would love nothing more than to pay her it in full, unfortunately I am not in the position to pay it in full. The instalments that the CMS have provided are accurate in reflecting what I can afford to pay each month in regards to paying back the debt.
We had the mediation call yesterday where I tried to explain this the best I could - obviously mediation was unsuccessful and now I'm told it will have to go before a judge. I am a bit perplexed as to how this can happen when I am paying back the outstanding monies at a rate that has been laid out by CMS through a service that I pay for to directly try and avoid things like this happening. Again - I have no problem with paying this money back, I am more than happy to pay it back but paying it back in a lump sum or in installments higher than what I currently pay will leave me in great financial difficulty.
I spoke with CMS about this and they agreed that they were also unsure as to how this could go before a judge. The agent stating 'anything we say trumps what she says' (unsure as to how true this is TBF). I suppose my question is, could it get dismissed by a judge? Could it be settled without us having to attend court?
I don't know if it's worth noting, but my ex partner tried something similar to this previously about 2 years ago. She claimed that I was paying the incorrect amount in child support in relation to my wage. Again I tried to explain that this payment is literally worked out for me, but it still ended up in front of a judge. In a hearing that she did not attend in person or bother to attend even by video link the judge very quickly ruled in my favour when I presented my evidence.
I've had to take unpaid leave from work yesterday for the mediation call and fear I will have to do the same again for who knows how many upcoming dates, as was the case the last time she did this. This ordeal, as with the last one is leaving me losing money and really taking it's toll on my mental health. If there is any advice anybody could offer me I would be extremely grateful.
I am in North Wales, she is in England.
Thanks for your time