06/02/2023, I received a 'Parking Charge Notice' through the post with additional advice on how to see the evidence of the said violation. I did try to appeal, as the fine I was issued was for a side street that is an access road to facilities and amenities. I was in a slow moving queue. The photographic evidence even identifies that I am moving. The fine identifies I am on private land, but on google maps you can clearly see what this is, a side access road. On appeal this was rejected due (as stated on the 3D Parking reply) 'This appeal has been considered in conjunction with the evidence gathered by the parking attendant'. I can state there was no such person, so I have no idea who they spoke to. Once again this is a side road. Even on the photographic evidence you can clearly see this is not a carpark. I am clearly concerned as I cannot source if 3D parking are signed up to the Accredited Parking Association (APA), which means under GDPR they have obtained confidential information illegally. If this is the case I will be acting up on this. Over time I have been threatened with copious amounts of 'if you do not pay you may'. I have had a Trace Debt Recovery threat, now I am being hounded by BWLegal I have not been able to discuss this further as there is no direct contact information only support on how to pay your fine. December 2023 I was issued with the claim form from the CNBC, but the 'particulars of the claim' are also incorrect, this is why I feel I am being hounded and to be fair scammed because when all said and done I was not parked. This is adding stress and adding strain to my health and wellbeing. If it does continue I would request for my appeal to be heard in court. I have every communication, the photo evidence I cannot access now as 3D has removed the access. I have not been ignoring this I have not been able to identify a suitable area to contact or discuss the proposed fine.
Any advice as now I have CCJ against my name.
Any advice as now I have CCJ against my name.