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PCN - Debdt recovery

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  • PCN - Debdt recovery

    Hi Dear All

    Thank you for heeding attention.

    I have received 4x PCN from Debt recovery - says I have to pay 170 GBP for parking more than allowed time. The company - Euro Car Park (private). I obtained the information from the Euro car park under subject access and they have sent me a total of 10 such incidents where I had parked more than the allowed time. The PCNS they had issued were sent to my old address. By the time when I moved house, I had changed my address on my driving license but not sure about V5C. I tried to discuss this with EuroCar but they wouldn't discuss anything and like me to contact the Debt recovery for any query. The debt recovery are not reachable at all. I am kinda waiting for the rest of 6 other PCN from Debt recovery at the moment.
    This makes a total of 1700 GBP if i have to pay them all.
    My question is - it is unfair for the reason that I didn't get any notice from the Euro car park in the first place and now i am receiving them directly from Debt recovery. Some of them are still pending from the Debt recovery which i know are coming. If I had received the first PCN, i would have paid and been more careful in future.
    How should i handle this.
    Any guidance will be highly appreciated.
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  • #2

    Did you identify the driver at all when dealing with Euro Car park or DRP?

    Could you please post up one of the Parking Charge Notices (do they all show the same transgression"?)
    and letter from DRP ?
    Also a photo of the signs at the car park would be useful.

    Note to self...."when changing address remember to advise DVLA on V5C"
    You can't claim an unfair practice when it is a result of your own failure to do what is required by law.


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