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Probate question please

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  • Probate question please

    What are the options when a beneficiary won’t cash a legacy cheque?
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  • #2
    Has the beneficiary said why they haven't cashed it?

    Has the beneficiary indicated they are rejecting the legacy and do not want it?

    If neither of those might the beneficiary be suffering from some health condition that makes them incapable of cashing it, or they lack mental capacity to know what they should do with the cheque?

    Are you an Executor?
    All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


    • #3
      Originally posted by PallasAthena View Post
      Has the beneficiary said why they haven't cashed it?

      Has the beneficiary indicated they are rejecting the legacy and do not want it?

      If neither of those might the beneficiary be suffering from some health condition that makes them incapable of cashing it, or they lack mental capacity to know what they should do with the cheque?

      Are you an Executor?
      Yes I am an Executor.

      You make very good points, thank you. I think may be I will have to try and find out what is going on. A bit of a strained family relationship, between the beneficiary and a parent, thank you for your input.


      • #4
        Another thought just crossed my mind, are you cerain the beneficiary has actually received the cheque and it hasn't got lost in the post?
        All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


        • #5
          Another very good thought thank you, yes the person has received it in the post, they have returned a signed and dated copy of the letter I enclosed as a receipt. So they definitely have it!


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