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Fast Track Refunds HMRC fuel tax

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  • Fast Track Refunds HMRC fuel tax

    I have been receiving calls and texts from Fast Track Refunds to pay an invoice for a HMRC car mileage fuel tax refund I made in June this year . I don’t recall contacting FTR but must have made an online enquiry , but as I never had any response from them , didn’t think any more about it . I have asked FTR for evidence of the work they carried out in my behalf but they are being evasive and ignoring my request . To be honest I thought that this was a scam as the messages a get filtered into my junk inbox . I have told them that until I receive such information I am unable to make a payment so now I have received an email from JJLaw threatening legal proceedings if I don’t pay up before 24.11.23 . I know FST haven’t done any work for me because I made the claim myself , is there anything I can do to stop JJLaw taking action against me ? .
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  • #2
    Fast Track Reclaim and associated companies is a scam.
    There is a post by FA2020, 5 July 2020 on MSE forum
    Read how the scam works.
    The advice is to report these companies to the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)


    • #3
      Thanks , I’ll have a look , seems there are a lot of people caught up in this . How do companies get away with it !! .


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
        Fast Track Reclaim and associated companies is a scam.
        There is a post by FA2020, 5 July 2020 on MSE forum
        Read how the scam works.
        The advice is to report these companies to the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)
        Although FTR are regulated by FCA in respect of claims management activity (financial claims ie PPI), they are not for tax refund claims sadly.

        The OP needs to obtain the so-called signed assignment that FTR will be relying on that gives HMRC the authority for them to claim on his behalf and then dispute it with HMRC. The 'assignment' will probably have a digital signature with a questionable provenance.

        The Advertising Standards Authority recently upheld a complaint about their misleading advertising that failed to make clear the blanket assignment Quickly Finance Ltd - ASA | CAP


        • #5
          Thanks for the info , I have asked FTR on a couple of occasions to evidence the work they have done on my behalf and explain how they came to the sum figure of my alleged refund , obviously they haven’t responded as they can’t give me any details . I will send a complaint to them and contact HMRC to see if there is anything assigned to my account . I have noticed on FTR complaints policy that they say ,they will investigate the complaint regarding tax matters , but their decision / outcome is the final decision , so they’re not going to uphold any complaints are they !!


          • #6
            Hi just want to let you people out there who are having issues with Fast Track Refunds or JJLaw , I have followed some of the other threads on this site and followed the advice on the legal and proper complaints procedures etc on how to deal with these companies and I have won my complaint and had my case dropped by FTR . I can now sleep at night knowing that I was in the right and they were wrong to pursue me for an alleged refund and their dubious invoice . It goes to show that if you stand your ground and follow the guidance of the people on this site you can win against these horrible companies . There is light at the end of the tunnel .


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mrcorbett View Post
              Hi just want to let you people out there who are having issues with Fast Track Refunds or JJLaw , I have followed some of the other threads on this site and followed the advice on the legal and proper complaints procedures etc on how to deal with these companies and I have won my complaint and had my case dropped by FTR . I can now sleep at night knowing that I was in the right and they were wrong to pursue me for an alleged refund and their dubious invoice . It goes to show that if you stand your ground and follow the guidance of the people on this site you can win against these horrible companies . There is light at the end of the tunnel .
              Glad to hear it, well done.

              Did you simply make a complaint to them?


              • #8
                Hi , I asked them to produce evidence of the work they had alleged carried out on my behalf and they couldn’t . JJLaw threatened legal action so I asked them for evidence of alleged work and they didn’t have any so I then sent an official complaint and told them that I was seeking legal advice against them !. It turned out the FTR had not been instructed to act for me on a refund I had actually completed myself so they admitted fault , apologized and dropped the claim against me . I’m tempted to pursue them for recompense for stress and sleepless nights they’ve caused and basically stick it to them . Let’s See how they like it !!


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