Hi, I was recentlly made redundant following a 'restructure'. Those put at risk were not ringfenced for the new post, though I undersand this is not compulsory. It is a large local authority and my group of services was being merged with another group. The two areas being merged had little in common and explananation during the consultatation was not clear at all, and most comments following the consultation period ignored. Anyway, I and the other head of service plus two others applied and were interviewed for the new job. No one was succeful and I was made redundant on the 7 September. The restructure was in May/June and we were told the new job would be externally advertised. In the meantime my group would continue as is with one bit removed and an interim would manage in the meantime. (one of my previous service managers). It has now been five months and there has been no advert and my old group is still as it was when I left with the same interim manager heading up.
Firstly, is this constructive dismissal as my job in effect still exists and secondly what is the time period if I were to take them to an employment tribunal?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Firstly, is this constructive dismissal as my job in effect still exists and secondly what is the time period if I were to take them to an employment tribunal?
I look forward to hearing from you.