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Whistleblowing/ blackmail?

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  • DSharp
    started a topic Whistleblowing/ blackmail?

    Whistleblowing/ blackmail?

    Hello all,

    Fully appreciate that this post may be somewhat controversial and generate some strong opinions etc, however it's a genuine problem and I am in need of actual legal advice so any and all help would be greatly appreciated as always...

    If hypothetically, I worked for an employer (a large facilities management company) who had some ethically questionable business practices (although probably not illegal) is there a legal way for myself to ask for some hush money in exchange for an NDA?
    • So hypothetically again - if despite say myself and numerous other colleagues had raised multiple concerns about "dodgy" business practices such as poor selling practices
    • (e.g. calling a site - and the receptionist answers the phone and then coercing them into accepting a "required" service visit from a maintenance operative - but not making clear that this is a chargeable service or confirming that they have the authority to authorise the charge etc)
    • Or charging them for a preventive maintenance visit on a piece of equipment already under a separate contract with the same company for a fully comprehensive reactive maintenance service plan which would cover any repairs required
    • Sending consumables such as cleaning supplies when not ordered and then invoicing and basically ignoring all refund requests etc
    • Systemic incorrect invoicing and ignoring or taking several months to rectify mistakes
    • Marketing the same cleaning fluid as a "better" version and selling for a higher price
    • Misleading information about the number of field engineers to win business
    • Promising replacement equipment in the event that something couldn't be repaired but then basically not honouring that commitment
    • Hounding customers with literally dozens of sales calls even when they have requested this to stop

    For context (again hypothetically) myself and numerous other colleagues have raised multiple concerns over several years about the above as it's eroding the trust of our customers and our brand value - however we have effectively been told that all of the above "are additional revenue streams that raise cash and look good on the balance sheet" so basically shut up.
    • We are owned by a VC company and are currently up for sale so the directors and parent company want to show as much revenue/profit as possible as obviously this will help the company's valuation
    • My thoughts are that as all anyone seems to care about is the bottom line then is it completely immoral for myself to also benefit?
    • If the above info were to be made public then surely it would have a significant negative impact on the business's reputation and also affect the value of the company to any potential buyer
    • I don't think the above examples are technically illegal but I certainly believe they are unethical
    • Is there a legal way for me to benefit by agreeing not to disclose the information for a payment?
    Tags: None

  • islandgirl
    I would say no.

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