I need advice for a friend whom has mental health issues and received a Claim Form and Response Pack from County Court filed by PRA group dated 14/03/2023 (original credit card debt with MBNA).
Particulars of Claim are stated as follows;
" The Claimant claims the sum of £5,299.27 for an outstanding debt owed. On 29/02/2020 the Defendant entered into an agreement with Lloyds Bank Plc for a Credit Card under reference 52........... On 07/12/2020 the Defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of 5,299.27. On 02/12/2021 the debit of £5,299.27 was assigned to PRA Group (UK) LTD. Notices of agreement were sent to the Defendant in accordance with S136 Law of Property Act 1925. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of £5,299.27. "
She has not sent Acknowledgement of service, and has been sitting on the letter since it arrived until I opened it today whilst checking her mail.
Please advise of the next steps urgently, it does not seem any notice of assignment was received. Does the acknowledgement of service need to be completed and sent by 28/03/23 which is 14 days from the date on the claim form (14/03/2023) I think?
***The matter is not straight forward; police reports were filed along with a case on Action Fraud, as a person (unknown personally) contacted and duped my friend using her details to obtain several loans, withdrew them and left her in a dire situation. She has not recovered from this to this day, neither paid any of the debts as has no means to (in receipt of benefits). I had made creditors aware of the police reports etc which have been ignored***
Thank you for your time, would appreciate expert advice as soon as possible please.
I need advice for a friend whom has mental health issues and received a Claim Form and Response Pack from County Court filed by PRA group dated 14/03/2023 (original credit card debt with MBNA).
Particulars of Claim are stated as follows;
" The Claimant claims the sum of £5,299.27 for an outstanding debt owed. On 29/02/2020 the Defendant entered into an agreement with Lloyds Bank Plc for a Credit Card under reference 52........... On 07/12/2020 the Defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of 5,299.27. On 02/12/2021 the debit of £5,299.27 was assigned to PRA Group (UK) LTD. Notices of agreement were sent to the Defendant in accordance with S136 Law of Property Act 1925. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of £5,299.27. "
She has not sent Acknowledgement of service, and has been sitting on the letter since it arrived until I opened it today whilst checking her mail.
Please advise of the next steps urgently, it does not seem any notice of assignment was received. Does the acknowledgement of service need to be completed and sent by 28/03/23 which is 14 days from the date on the claim form (14/03/2023) I think?
***The matter is not straight forward; police reports were filed along with a case on Action Fraud, as a person (unknown personally) contacted and duped my friend using her details to obtain several loans, withdrew them and left her in a dire situation. She has not recovered from this to this day, neither paid any of the debts as has no means to (in receipt of benefits). I had made creditors aware of the police reports etc which have been ignored***
Thank you for your time, would appreciate expert advice as soon as possible please.