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Accidental Shoplifting

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  • Accidental Shoplifting

    On 21st December I was accused of shoplifting. I was in Asda near Leatherhead shopping on the split level floors of homeward and groceries. Flitting between the two trying to find my last minute shopping list items. I took my own reusable grocery bag and put my items neatly inside as I always do, I then put some teaplates and a candle from homeware in the trolley. I suffer badly with my mental health and am currently on sick leave from work due to to it. I do t leave the house much only to get my essentials. I suffer with severe anxiety, depression and dissociative disorder. I get jittery and paranoid on occasions when it’s really bad. On this occasion I felt overwhelmed and stepped into the foyer to call my partner to come help me. I couldn’t get any signal in the center part of the store. I was soon approached by two security officers to whom I explained what I was doing but they didn’t believe me. They said they’d been watching me put my groceries in my own plastic reusable bag in my trolley and that’s classed as concealement. My items were a fruit and veggies and one piece of meat. They said my behaviour was nervous and it raised their attention. I was interviewed by them whilst they ridiculed me and I didn’t feel able to fully open up about my health impact. I denied the deliberate intention to steal and they was in the process of issuing me a store ban, all the while being insulting, making personal assumptions and comments about me, my lifestyle, the fact they believed I do this all the time, they had a theory I was calling my partner to meet me as an accomplice…, it was horrendous. To make matters worse, when they were scanning up my items for a total value two of the three had their labels removed. They asked me if I’d done that and I said I hadn’t. They threatened to keep me in the store all night if I didn’t tell them where I’d put the labels. They said if I admitted deliberate intention to steal then I wouldn’t be locked up in the police cells for the night. I was terrified. I wasn’t allowed to call my uncle who’s a practicing barrister, they wouldn’t allow me to call my partner, and when I tried to start voice recording they asked me to stop. Eventually I said I’d done it all if it please them to hear that, if I could just go home. I was crying and felt in a daze. Then they called the police as id confessed intention to steal. The police came and were nice and fair, I answered all their questions and gave multiple forms of id. My criminal record check was run clear. They said they would write to me or phone me in a few days or a week after the case goes through a triage system with the police/CPS.
    I am an absolute wreck. Please help.
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  • #2

    What a terrible Christmas you must have had.

    The best you can do is contact a solicitor.
    If you don't have your own, when the police next contact you request the attendance of the duty solicitor.
    This is free and your right.
    Were you informed of this right before the police interviewed you?
    Did you "confess" to attempted shoplifting to the police ?

    For what it is worth IMO you will be offered some sort of community resolution or caution.
    Do not accept without first listening to the advice from your solicitor

    Good luck


    • #3
      Hello Des

      I appreciate your help.
      it has been awful and im
      a wreck. Before the police questioned me they cautioned me but I couldn’t remember if this included my rights to a solicitor present, I don’t think so.

      I’m so worried as I shop in this store twice weekly and the way my mind has been im
      scared I’ve missed things before. Will they go back through loads of cctv? How long do they retain cctv in general?
      I’m contacting a private solicitor tomorrow btw


      • #4
        Glad to see you are obtaining professional advice.

        Stores generally inly keep CCTV records for a month, and it is most unlikely that they will trawl through hours of it to see if you can be spotted concealing items. It simply takes too long and is too expensive.

        Try not to worry too much.
        You do not appear to have been shoplifting.
        Your intentions were misinterpreted by overzealous security goons, who then exceeded their authority and coerced you into "confessing".
        Hopefully your solicitor will be able to find a way forward for you, but even if the worse should occur this incident will not be treated as the crime of the century.


        • #5
          As above, get a solicitor and do not speak to the Police without one. If this does go further and your record is clean it is likely to be a Conditional Discharge or fine I would say (obviously only working from the circumstances given and with no other knowledge of what has occured). Take care


          • #6
            Des, Thankyou for your help. I need to discuss further with you but am not allowed to inbox you?


            • #7
              Summer24! or Summer24 probably can't PM until you have a number of posts under your belt.

              Anyway you are encouraged to post on open forum as you are likely to receive a better spread of advice.
              Most of us are posting from our experience, but some are legally trained or administer the law.
              By using PMs you lose access to that wider knowledge.

              But your choice


              • #8
                we do open forums


                • #9
                  Would it be possible to now delete my original post please. Thank you all so much.


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