Hello everyone, well, this is not a rare problem it seems. As I say, I submitted to full bag search at a branch of Tescos when approached by a store detective. I emptied my bag and produced the receipt as requested and no further issues was allowed to leave. Was harassed by security in the store subsequently, so changed to rival company, Sainsburrys. Immediately targeted aggressively by security, the same thing happens now in all major stores. Obviously, they have shared my facial images and have registered me a security risk. In these rather nightmarish times, does the individual have any rights regarding this type of use of their data? What pains me the most, I was searched publicly, and found to have done nothing wrong, but they went ahead and practically barred me from any type of normal life after this. I should add for the record, I have no criminal record, have never stolen good of any kind. There is no recourse to law here, where a person must be found guilty of a crime for there be be a punishment. Does anyone out there know if something can be done? I have written to solicitors today but the majority seem focused at personal injury cases. This seems nearer the expensive land of Data law?
Frankly its driving me half mad.
Frankly its driving me half mad.