My company went belly up in 2008, and CCJs left me with two charging orders, one with Lombard for a lease on equipment and software, one with RBS for the overdraft the company had at the time. Neither of these were secured loans, but I was the guarantor as director of the company, so they came after me.
They're both for approx. the same figure, both just over 30k each, and while the debts are from 2008, the charging orders were obtained in 2011. I've had letters from both confirming that the balance is.
I've received very, very little over the years, usually just yet another letter telling me that the debt is in another agents hands.
I've spoken to the agencies that both these debts are with (separate agencies) both have told me that I can feel free to make Full & Final settlement offers in turn for having the charging orders removed.
We're going to remortgage, as we're on an old interest only mortgage anyway so that needs to be done, the idea being to get shut of these two charging orders so that in the not too distant future we can sell & move house, but obviously we can't do that with the charging orders.
I was under the impression that we can't reduce the amount of these debts, and that because they're charging orders they have to be paid in full to remove them, but both agencies appear to be suggesting that this isn't the case and that if I do make F&F offers that are accepted, the charges will be removed. I did some googling and found myself here.
Any help and advice gratefully received!
Thanks :-)
They're both for approx. the same figure, both just over 30k each, and while the debts are from 2008, the charging orders were obtained in 2011. I've had letters from both confirming that the balance is.
I've received very, very little over the years, usually just yet another letter telling me that the debt is in another agents hands.
I've spoken to the agencies that both these debts are with (separate agencies) both have told me that I can feel free to make Full & Final settlement offers in turn for having the charging orders removed.
We're going to remortgage, as we're on an old interest only mortgage anyway so that needs to be done, the idea being to get shut of these two charging orders so that in the not too distant future we can sell & move house, but obviously we can't do that with the charging orders.
I was under the impression that we can't reduce the amount of these debts, and that because they're charging orders they have to be paid in full to remove them, but both agencies appear to be suggesting that this isn't the case and that if I do make F&F offers that are accepted, the charges will be removed. I did some googling and found myself here.
Any help and advice gratefully received!
Thanks :-)