Hi there, thank you for accepting me on the forum. I have been making token payments of £1 to various debt collectors for over 10 years now. These debts mounted up to around 20k near on 20 years ago. They were overdrafts, bank loans and store cards. I wasn't working at that time and always declared I was only in receipt of benefits and sadly these debts occurred when I was often in a mania phase of my then undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder. I was living alone and the debt I believe all defaulted and was sold on. After taking advice many years ago I set up 8 standing orders to the debtors of a token payment which they accepted. When letters arrived to review this I always responded by phone. However, I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed with their constant advice to contact debt advice. I am now married but my financial situation isn't good due to my illness and not being able to work. I have explained the situation to everyone and just want to carry on with my standing orders of this payment. I would hate to have to go down the insolvency route and know my husband would not be happy either. Can I just continue with my standing orders? And would you advise me to only contact these companies in writing as the conversations do exasperate my illness. They do not have any phone numbers for me despite trying to obtain them. I have particularly felt a little from Drysdensfairfax wanting to know my husbands income. I told them that is none of their business as these debts are mine which they did agree on. Could you advise me please? Thank you.