My wife against her better judgement has sold a Chanel bag via Facebook, via a 3rd party (consignment). The bag has been sent to the lady's customer and who has confirmed that she is happy with the bag and condition. This can be back up by proof of postage along with messages from the customer.
The 3rd party agreed that once the customer was happy with the bag she would send the money to us (£3300) to use via bank transfer.
So far she has only provided funds for the P & P, she has claimed that she sent the balance on Thursday at 7pm, but this was held for review by the bank. We have requested her to speak with the bank to try and push this through as it could have been held for fraud checks etc.
We then spoken to her again last night and claims that she has spoken to the bank, but her has now lost access to her account (RG21M -account blocked). Researching on the internet shows that if this is the case it is most likely that the account has been held for investigation by the bank which can take months.
The 3rd party in question doe shave good feedback, and was suggested by my wife's friend who sold a handbag with her last year with no problems. But we are now worried that this a scam and looking at the best way to claim back our money. We do have the contacts details and bank account details of the 3rd party, so wondering if pushing a small claim would be a viable option.
We have tried to discuss this with her further but she is now no longer responding to messages.
I am also wanted to report this to the police as a scam/fraud but wonder what impact if any this would have on a small clams court.
We would be very happy to have this resolved outside of court. But given the value of the bag we would not want to avoid having to wait months to reclaim this money, as it could be put to better use on day-to-day living.
I would welcome anyone thoughts and happy to provide further information.
Thank you
My wife against her better judgement has sold a Chanel bag via Facebook, via a 3rd party (consignment). The bag has been sent to the lady's customer and who has confirmed that she is happy with the bag and condition. This can be back up by proof of postage along with messages from the customer.
The 3rd party agreed that once the customer was happy with the bag she would send the money to us (£3300) to use via bank transfer.
So far she has only provided funds for the P & P, she has claimed that she sent the balance on Thursday at 7pm, but this was held for review by the bank. We have requested her to speak with the bank to try and push this through as it could have been held for fraud checks etc.
We then spoken to her again last night and claims that she has spoken to the bank, but her has now lost access to her account (RG21M -account blocked). Researching on the internet shows that if this is the case it is most likely that the account has been held for investigation by the bank which can take months.
The 3rd party in question doe shave good feedback, and was suggested by my wife's friend who sold a handbag with her last year with no problems. But we are now worried that this a scam and looking at the best way to claim back our money. We do have the contacts details and bank account details of the 3rd party, so wondering if pushing a small claim would be a viable option.
We have tried to discuss this with her further but she is now no longer responding to messages.
I am also wanted to report this to the police as a scam/fraud but wonder what impact if any this would have on a small clams court.
We would be very happy to have this resolved outside of court. But given the value of the bag we would not want to avoid having to wait months to reclaim this money, as it could be put to better use on day-to-day living.
I would welcome anyone thoughts and happy to provide further information.
Thank you