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Harassment from ex-neighbour

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  • Harassment from ex-neighbour

    Hi Thanks for letting me join

    A neighbour made a complaint about our dogs barking back in 2016. Obviously I was concerned, I got a dog monitor so that I could see exactly how much they were barking and for how long. What I did find was my dog sitter was literally staying for 10 minutes when contracted for an hour to take them for a walk and burn some energy off. I also found that they had a total duration of bark time of 3 -7 minutes for the day and this was almost always when we received post or someone at the door or other neighbours were allowing their dogs to come down our drive. Since then we were repeatedly shouted abuse at us from his windows, occasionally coming to the door, following hubby to work to leave malicious notes on the car etc etc He also threatened hubby challenging him to a fight and similar behaviours. He made it so that my daughter would not come home until hubby or I were in given his behaviour and abuse as these triggered a panic attack.
    Periodically we involved the police who basically warned him off but it wasn't ever long before he started again.

    We moved house in Feb last year (mainly as a result of this). His beef was clearly against us and not other neighbours. We did not have a for sale sign outside the house and told nobody where we were moving to so the only time he became aware was on move day. About 3 months ago he obviously found our address and my phone number. We've had loads of junk mail (usually 3 companies a day) mailing us and phoning me. It's beyond a joke now. I need to answer calls for my job but these are stopping me, particularly when I try to get these companies to remove me from mailing lists etc. He's filling in slips in the sun or daily mail to give our info which is largely for funeral plans, life insurance, charities etc I've got various companies to send me the slip or a scanned slip so I have evidence (plus the notes left on cars and provided to police in the past) as a comparator.

    I've today reported this as an incident to the police. I really don't think he'll stop. I'm a trained mediator and can't see him engaging with that process with another mediator at all nor do I have any confidence that the police will get to the point where it stops.

    I now feel that the only way to get this resolved is by doing something that will cause him an inconvenience. I'm hopefully going to secure a harassment order on the back of a police caution or other action. I also want to seek compensation as I think it's the monetary element which will tip him into action. I'm wondering what amount to claim? It needs to be enough to provide some discomfort for him but not so much that it would create a rejection in small claims. If I was to go on the amount of time I've spent trying to stop all this it would be pretty significant as my job and day rate is quite high.

    Could anyone suggest a method of calculating this? His action is obviously targetting me primarily but also my daughter (who is 23 and suffers from anxiety) and hubby.

    Many thanks for any guidance or support.

    Tags: None

  • #2

    I'd calculate the claim figure on the level of fee (pge5 of this website https://assets.publishing.service.go...0_web_1221.pdf)

    Presumably you are considering a claim under The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 sec 5??
    and possibly apply for an injunction at the same time.


    • #3
      Hi Jogp70

      It's ridiculous behavior by your former neighbour. I'd seek some advice from the Information Commissioners Office as to whether the Data Protection Act has been broken i.e. passing on your personal details to companies without your permission / knowledge etc.

      It's worth looking at the case below, although different companies have contacted you (the harassment), this was orchestrated by your former neighbour.



      • #4
        Originally posted by des8 View Post

        I'd calculate the claim figure on the level of fee (pge5 of this website https://assets.publishing.service.go...0_web_1221.pdf)

        Presumably you are considering a claim under The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 sec 5??
        and possibly apply for an injunction at the same time.
        Thank you, that's really useful. I'll be going for everything I can reluctantly. I like to live and let live but he obviously doesnt!


        • #5
          Originally posted by echat11 View Post
          Hi Jogp70

          It's ridiculous behavior by your former neighbour. I'd seek some advice from the Information Commissioners Office as to whether the Data Protection Act has been broken i.e. passing on your personal details to companies without your permission / knowledge etc.

          It's worth looking at the case below, although different companies have contacted you (the harassment), this was orchestrated by your former neighbour.

          Thank you - I'll do that. The link is useful too.


          • #6
            I have the opposite view to be honest. I would get a phone like the one I have where all numbers are blocked from coming straight through to you unless you allow them and if the number is unknown callers have to say who they are and you get to choose whether to answer. It stops all the marketing calls very quickly. Go on the list to stop the calls and junk mail (called something like Mailing Preference Service) which does not work 100% but gets rid of a lot. The rest of the junk mail is free fuel if you have a woodburner. A long protracted court case will bring further anxiety I would say. Of course whether you go for compensation is totally up to you but I would not choose that route in these circumstances. As for an injunction you can stop him contacting you or coming near you but it would be hard to prove he is the one supplying addresses to companies? This is just an alternative point of view to consider and is, I think, how I would handle things.


            • #7
              Originally posted by islandgirl View Post
              I have the opposite view to be honest. I would get a phone like the one I have where all numbers are blocked from coming straight through to you unless you allow them and if the number is unknown callers have to say who they are and you get to choose whether to answer. It stops all the marketing calls very quickly. Go on the list to stop the calls and junk mail (called something like Mailing Preference Service) which does not work 100% but gets rid of a lot. The rest of the junk mail is free fuel if you have a woodburner. A long protracted court case will bring further anxiety I would say. Of course whether you go for compensation is totally up to you but I would not choose that route in these circumstances. As for an injunction you can stop him contacting you or coming near you but it would be hard to prove he is the one supplying addresses to companies? This is just an alternative point of view to consider and is, I think, how I would handle things.
              Telephone Preference Agency.


              • #8
                Originally posted by echat11 View Post

                Telephone Preference Agency.
                Actually, it’s the Telephone Preference Service



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Huxie View Post

                  Actually, it’s the Telephone Preference Service

                  Yep it is, TPA sounds better.


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