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Harassment by Neighbour

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  • Harassment by Neighbour

    Background: I have lived at my property for 32 years. My neighbour moved in about 20 years ago. Since he moved in he has complained about me to the Council on numerous occasions and has withheld post, walked onto my land without permission and erected buildings using my fence and piled up rubbish against my fence causing it to collapse. Since my husband died 13 years ago complaints grew and 4 years ago a friend came to live with me. She sleeps in a mobile home next to my house (my house is too small to house both of us). She uses my kitchen, shower, washing machine etc etc and basically just sleeps in the mobile home and watches TV. She is transgender. Since she moved in 4 years ago complaints have gone through the roof. The latest is that he has reported me for running a Motorhome Camping Site (my step daughter and her husband's parents and his sister have 3 motorhomes between them and they stayed for ONE weekend this year and 2 weekends last year), he has also complained about a "terrible smell" (police have been round (on advice of the Council) to inspect criminal damage due to his garden waste piling up and breaking my fence). They have categorically stated in an email to me that there was no smell. When the Council came round they could not smell anything either. He has also, and more worryingly, complained that my friend is a Sex Worker and they are worried for their children! These are out and out lies and the Council have said that they have to investigate every complaint.
    This now greatly worries me as to what he is going to do next and I do feel that he is watching us all the time. He is known as a bully and his 2nd wife (he is on number 3) divorced him for domestic violence. I do feel scared.
    I have requested through the Freedom of Information from the Council copies of all correspondence and will forward copies to the police.
    On telling the police of what I have had to put up with for the past 20 years they are incredulous and after talking to his Sargent they have referred the matter to the CID. (My neighbour is a retired police officer but now still works for the police but in their office). Can they stop him?
    The council have suggested mediation which in the past my neighbour has refused but even if we did this (and I am willing) there is absolutely nothing to stop him making further complaints.
    How can I stop this man? It's making my life a misery. Please can you suggest something.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    I just wanted to say that I sympathise. I have written posts on here recently concerning harassment from neighbours. I wish I could suggest something to help. I'm not sure that the Police can help; they haven't helped me. Apparently, to constantly drive past a property and distress the occupant(s) is a crime, but it doesn't seem so with my local police. "We need evidence", they say. It seems like you have plenty of that. You say he is claiming your transgender friend is a Sex Worker; isn't that a hate crime? Was anything done concerning criminal damage to your fence when the police investigated it?


    • #3
      Possible to get an estimate for the cost of replacing the fence ?, Invoice to Mr nasty for a start, no corporation, then advise him by letter that unless he will pay for the fence to be replaced there will be Court action. If you can finance a Solicitor that will add pressure. PS We had virtually the same problem, new neighbours moved in, they also had the Council visit us, we attended the offices to discuss the harassment to my wife whilst I was away on business, The Council had meetings with me and my wife, and so I understand the stress you are going through, I resolved my problem myself, they moved.


      • #4
        The police did say that the damage to the fence would be hard to prove due to the age of the fence (the fact that the fence has broken just where he has stacked his stuff against it is irrelevant!). I should get the Freedom of Information by Tuesday of next week so that will be interesting. I only learned about the accusation of Sex Worker yesterday and yes I suppose it could be classed as a hate crime? As far as I am aware the police are not yet aware of his latest claim and I will forward it to them . I haven't yet heard from the CID in relation to this matter so I guess these things take time. Once I have the FOI paperwork I thought I would try and get a fixed fee interview with a solicitor to see what my options are.
        I stupidly thought that the Council would look into all the complaints he has made in the past and all of which have been completely squashed, that they would class him as a time waster and that would be an end to it. But this is not the case and despite mediation I'm convinced he will continue to make complaints as that is the sort of person he is and I will never be free of it. A friend's father is a Sargent in the police and he knows him and has said that he is not liked at all within the force.
        I am 68yrs old widower and share my house with my transgender friend and feel so overwhelmed by it all.


        • #5
          I understand it is difficult to deal with, but stick to the facts you will get the result in the end. We did.


          • #6
            As mentioned the CID are investigating this matter. I am waiting to hear who is dealing with it and for them to contact me. I have now spoken to a solicitor who said that I could make a Police Conduct complaint. My neighbour is now retired from the police force but still works in Sussex Police office. Can I still make a complaint about him and should I do so bearing in mind the CID are already investigating? Advice please!


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