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  • Safeguarding

    Hello everyone. Does anyone know if a solicitor can stop unwanted safeguarding that has been placed on a person without their permission and knowledge? Social services deny that they have any part in this.
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  • #2
    Is this the same issue as your previous thread re Community Harassment? What form does the safeguarding take?


    • #3
      Thank you ISLANDGIRL for replying. Yes it does refer to that. I have discovered that certain "agencies" who are involved with safeguarding, i.e: local authority workers, charities, etc. are many of those keeping watch on me. When visiting certain places with concerns, such as a doctor's surgery or a chemist, these "watchers" seem to come out in force. There appears to be much more help as a customer in certain businesses than would normally be the case, indicating they have had the nod that this person needs extra help! There has been targeting of postal literature such as funeral schemes; religious groups, estate agents "this is the best time to sell" flyers, etc. Well-known individuals placed strategically when attending an appointment, as if they are making sure you get there safely. You get the idea?!!


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