Our letting agency required fees for a two year lease to be paid over the first six months. Our tenants served notice to move out four months before the end of the term. The contract we have with our agency states that any credit in this situation will carry over to fees payable for a new managed letting. We will not be using them again however.
They are refusing to return their fee pro-rata. Clearly, as our contract with them ended four months early and they therefore were not able to provide services for this period which we have paid for, I expect the clause in the contract must be contrary to a law not only because they have forced us to pay money for services that they can not provide but it is also anti-competitive in that the clause is intended to manipulate us to use them again.
Does anyone know which law(s) are intended to protect us in this situation please and whether there has been precedent in a successful claim? The sum we are owed is £1,100. My intention is to write an article on the matter to see if I can get it into a newspaper or similar.
They are refusing to return their fee pro-rata. Clearly, as our contract with them ended four months early and they therefore were not able to provide services for this period which we have paid for, I expect the clause in the contract must be contrary to a law not only because they have forced us to pay money for services that they can not provide but it is also anti-competitive in that the clause is intended to manipulate us to use them again.
Does anyone know which law(s) are intended to protect us in this situation please and whether there has been precedent in a successful claim? The sum we are owed is £1,100. My intention is to write an article on the matter to see if I can get it into a newspaper or similar.