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RLP - wrongfully accused but have no proof

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  • #16
    Original receipt s from other store???


    • #17
      I think he mentioned that he had them


      • #18
        Thought so then produce them to the store in question and claim also an apology should be afforded as long receipts match the garment's failure to which formal complaints to the CEO


        • #19
          DES8- do you think I should submit a subject access request ?


          • #20
            I can't say what you should do.
            If it was I, I would just not bother for the sake of 2 jumpers.

            You can write and complain to the CEO and produce the receipts.
            If you are lucky they will apologise, but generally they close ranks and say their staff acted correctly.


            • #21
              When I went back home I couldn’t find my receipts, not sure whether I lost them inside a supermarket bag. If I had them I would’ve returned on the same day demanding my goods back and an apology. Now lost my goods ( not a big issues cos they were less than £30) but have gone through a shameful experience and now being chased for a fine .. from your knowledge/ experience they never pursue further when people don’t pay?


              • #22
                Shame you mislaid your receipts.

                They did try once to take it to court but got so spanked that they haven't tried again. Search around on her for the Oxford case and you should find some writeups.


                • #23
                  Legal Beagles
                  LEGAL BEAGLES
                  • Joined: Aug 2007
                  • Posts: 19081

                  #1 RLP and the Oxford test case: The truth and the lies

                  15th October 2012, 10:37:AM
                  Category: Civil Recovery

                  Earlier this year we published the judgment in the case A Retailer v Ms B & Ms K .


                  • #24
                    Here's a starter for you: https://legalbeagles.info/civil-reco...ated-in-court/


                    • #25
                      Thank you for sharing those cases . I have decided to ignore the letter ( but do think they I’ll probably receive further threatening ones) . I’ll keep you posted. Having seen other people’s posts on their contact with CAB ( which I initially thought to contact ) but I don’t think I will now. I will also not pay. Already lost my jumpers and had a horrible experience and feel absolutely nervous thinking of being earmarked when walking to another supermarket if they shared my photo around


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